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35 Cards in this Set

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List 9 Anticholinergic meds.
1. Propantheline bromide (Pro-Banthine)
2. Belladonna
3. Atropine sulfate
4. Iproproprium (Atrovent)
5. Tiotropium (Spiriva)
6. Iprotorprium plus Albuterol (Atrovent, DuoNeb)
7. Benztropine (Cogentin)
8. Trihexyphenydil (Artane)
9. Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop)
What is Pro-Banthine (popantheline bromide) used for? (2)
1. urinary incontinence
2. peptic ulcer dz
When should you give Pro-Banthine?
30 min ac

for night dose, give at least 2hr after last meal
Potential s.e. of Pro-banthine (2)?
1. decreased gastric motility
2. decreased effect of vagus nerve
What should you particularly monitor after admin Pro-Banthine?
1. VS
2. I&O
2 side effects of Belladonna?
1. dry mouth
2. vertigo
When does Belladonna have a peak action?
2 hr after taking it
What is the major use for atropine sulfate?
to tx bradycardia
When should atropine sulfate be given?
PO, 30 min before meals
Prior to administering atropine sulfate, what dz should you check in the pt's hx? (3)
hx of:
1. asthma
2. glaucoma
3. HTN
After giving atropine sulfate, what should you monitor?
1. I&O
2. orientation
When giving atropine sulfate in a nonemergency situation, what should you make sure of prior to administration?
that the patient has VOIDED first
What are 3 expected (normal) side effects of atropine sulfate? (3)
1. dry mouth
2. increased respiration
3. increased HR
Why should a pt who is given atropine sulfate avoid the heat?
perspiration ability is decreased .:. avoid heat
physostigimine salicylate
9 potential side effects of atropine (v. representative of anticholinergic meds)
1. tachycardia
2. headache
3. blurred vision
4. insomnia
5. dry mouth
6. dizziness
7. urinary retention
8. angina
9. mydriasis
List 3 meds that are used for BRONCHOSPASM and long-term tx of asthma?
1. Ipopropium (Atrovent)
2. Tiotropium (Spiriva)
3. Ipotropium plus albuterol (Atrovent, DuoNeb)
How is Ipoproprium (Atrovent) administered?
aerosol or in nebulizer
How is tiotropium (Spiriva) administered?
in powder form (HandiHaler)
2 s.e. of Atrovent, Spiriva, and DuoNeb?
1. dry mouth
2. pharynx irritation
List 2 anticholinergic meds that are used to tx Parkinson's dz.
1. Benztropine (Cogentin)
2. Trihexyphenydil (Artane)
Which precautions should parkinson pt (ie, those on Cogentin and Artane) be on?
orthostatic hypotension precautions
What lifestyle changes should pt on Cogentin & Artane make? (3)
1. increase fluids
2. increase bulk foods
3. increase exercise
Should you stop Cogentin or Artane abruptly?
NO, taper before discontinuing
4 s.e. of Cogentin & Artane.
1. urinary retention
2. blurred vision
3. dry mouth
4. C
4 uses for Scopolamine (Transderm-Scop)
1. motion sickness
2. vertigo
3. mydriasis (for opthalmic exam)
4. pre-op for dry secretions
What is mydriasis?
dilation of pupil
What dz is CI w/ Scopolamine?
acute angle glaucoma
5 s.e. of scopolamine?
1. urinary ret
2. blurred vision
3. dry mouth
4. C
5. confusion & sedation
What is the MOA of anticholinergic meds?
compete w/ Ach receptor sites in the ANS
What are the actions of anticholinergic meds? (3)
1. eyes:
-relaxation of ciliary muscles (cycloplegia)
-dilation of pupil
2. lungs:
-decreases bronchial secretions
3. GI:
-decreases mobility
-decreases GI secretions
3 indications for atropine?
1. bradycardia
2. mydriasis for opthalmic exam
3. pre-op to dry secretions
4 common side effects of anticholinergic meds?
1. blurred vision
2. dry mouth
3. urinary retention
4. changes in HR
In which pt are anticholinergic meds CI?
pt w/ glaucoma should NOT take anticholinergic meds
In pt on anticholinergic meds, what should a pt monitor for?
urinary retention