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30 Cards in this Set

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Jury Nullification

Where there isn't a conviction.

Overturning a Verdict

Prerogative of the judge.



The Peter Principle

Webers characteristic of bureaucies he calls "Employment based on technical Qualification, it appears that hiring and promoting sole on the basis technical ability can finally result in each person being promoted up to his/her level of incompetence.


Revenge..putting people in jail.


Thought that the threat or punishment deters crime..

W.Edwards Deming came up with the idea of so-called "Quality Circles." Which one of Webers characteristics of bureaucracy was he attempting to correct with the "Quality Circle"

Hierarchy of authority

Synonym for Deming's "Quality Circles" system

The Toyota System


type of punishment

Durkheim introduced a term into sociology-later borrowed by Merton- that identifies a condition where moral direction is lost, and where right and wrong become mutually indistinguishable.


Robert Merton's term for the deviant who finds it impossible to achieve society's goals through the normal process of education and hard work instead turns to a life of crime.


2 Biological Bases in the 1960 for deviance, contemporary example

Drawing, genetics

Public Protection

Why people are put in jail.

A Mass Murderer killed 14 people, people will label by going into someones past called

retrospective labeling


Power, Prestige, Wealth

East Indian Caste System

Brahmin= Scholar, Priest

Kshatriya= Warrior, Politicians

Vaishya= Merchants

Sudra=Menial Labor

Candala= Outsiders

Age Old System 3500 years old


How the East Indian Caste System Started

Indus River 2 cities

1= Harappa

2= Mohen jo Daro


Conquered The _______

_______ religion is similar to _________

_________ inner breed ________

Caste is a _________ name India call caste ________


Greeks religion is similar to Hinduism

Greeks+East Indians


Raja Yoga


1)Deep trance, alter state of consciousness.

2) Stop all thought



Is GOD, one reality of the universe


Soul is part of Brahman

Atam+Brahman is re-connected

Achieved through meditation deep alter state of consciousness

Institutional Racism

Don't recognize their is racism or not. No social discrimination. Not seen as racist unless you are the one being affected by it.

Racial Norming

Is when the score is curtailed to suited individual races. It literally sets the youth up for failure.

Color blind racism

One standard for everyone. They individual is opted out because everyones background is individualized to their educational upbringing.

Racial Steering

Seen in Real Estate business.. Person of color may be steered towards a black community. Instead of living where he wants... School ...steer students towards particular courses.


2 characteristics

Distinctive Identity


Conflict Theorist about Racism

Anti-Racist Marx disliked----Fear of revolution between race superiority will keep them from rising up. Keep conflict between the suppressed Serves the purpose of the elite.

1900 pursued individuals they are not intelligent.

Prejudice=discrimination=i told u so=more discrimination.

1900's= prohibited education towards people of color

Stanford Binet I.Q. test

Standard Quotient

Elements ignored=3

0-200 scale.... Elements that are ignored====cultural bound, Assumption intelligence is a universal thing. Its range is focused in one area. ======

Test scores will incline or improve depending on the day.