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9 Cards in this Set

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"[beta-endorphins]not only inhibit pain but also seem to have other roles...aiding in memory and learning and registering emotions."

p. 227
definition: reduce, hide, hold or keep inside

meaning parts: in = in, inside; hib = to hold; (hold inside, keep from awareness on the outside or from consciousness)

own sentence/new context:


"...animal research has suggested that endogenous [produced by the body] opioid concentrations increase with level of excercise."

p. 227
definition: produced by the body, as the text states

meaning parts: endo = inside; gen = starting, originating, producing; (produced inside a body on its own)

salient discriminators

"...studies comparing people with high and low levels of stress resistance have found exercise...one of the most salient discriminators between the two groups."

p. 226
definition: salient = to stick out; discriminators = critical differences

meaning parts: sali = to jump out; dis = down or away; crim = to sift; (once you sift through all the evidence, this difference "jumps out" at you)

hypotheses (pl.) of hypothesis

"As scientists have come to understand something of brain biochemistry, some interesting hypotheses have emerged."

p. 227

definition: theories, educated guesses; concepts to test by experiments

word parts: don't really help


p. 226
definition: a chemical that carries, sends, or triggers the communication of messages between different nerve cells in the brain, in muscles, and in the body in general

meaning parts: neuro = nerve; trans = across; mit = to send (neurotransmitters send chemical messages across gaps called synapses between different nerve cells
structure and function

"a group of chemical messengers...in the central nervous system...called opiods...are similar in structure and function...to opium, morphine, and heroin."

p. 227

definition: structure = form; function = what something does; "What is the structure or form of something?" and "What is its function?" are two of the key questions scientists and medical workers ask about just about everything they come across. You will see these two important concepts repeated again and again in scientific and medical writing.

"certain types of exercise...or long duration... may cause biochemical changes that mimic drug-induced euphoria."

p. 227
definition: "high," elation,
feeling that all is well and as good as it can be.

meaning parts: eu = good or well; phor = carrying, bearing; (carrying a good feeling, a feeling that all is well)


"The food we eat supplies the precursor molecules for manufacturing neurotransmitters."
definition: one of the first or early parts of a sequence

meaning parts: pre = before; cur = to run or flow; (before or early in the run or flow of biochemical changes that create neurotransmitters from food)

own sentence/new context:


"In addition to canceling the negative effects of stress, exercise may induce some positive biochemical changes"

p. 226
definition: cause, lead into

meaning parts: in = into; duce = lead; (lead the body into positive changes)