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41 Cards in this Set

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What is superficial mycoses?
Mycoses of the outermost layers of skin and hair. Usually cosmetic.
What is cutaneous mycoses?
Keratinized surface infections: skin, hair, nails. Cutaneous infections and perpetuated by keratinase produced by fungus that breaks down keratin.
What superficial mycoses presents as irregularly pigmented macules that are well demarcated occuring on any part of the body?
Tinea Versicolor
What is the causative agent of Tinea Versicolor? And is it contagious?
Liphilic yeast Malassezia furfur. YES. Direct or indirect.
How to dx Tinea Versicolor?
Microscropy or Culture with oil agar, also lesions fouresce under a Wood lamp a yellowish color, where as eythasma fluoresces pink.
What cutaneous fungus presents with solitary irregular pigmented brown or black macules on the soles or palms?
Tinea Nigra
What is the causative agent for Tinea Nigra?
Hortaea wernickii
What is the best lab method to identify H. wenickii?
KOH mount, followed by culture. Mount shows two cell oval yeast w/ short hyphae.
What fungal etiology is shown?
two cell oval yeast and short hyphae of H. wernickii, which causes Tinea Nigra.
What is the differential for H. wevneckii and Tinea Nigra?
Malignant melanoma.
What is the difference between white and black piedra?
White - caused by Trichosporon around the groin and axilla. Black - caued by Piedraia hortae and occurs on the scalp.
How is the White Piedra causing Trichosporon visualized with microscropy and culture?
Microscopy - hyphae, arthroconidia, budding yeast. Culture - arthroconidia, blastoconidia.
How is the Black Piedra causing P. hortae visualized with microscopy and culture?
Microscopy - Brached, pigmented hyphae. Culture - Ascus, ascospores.
Treatment for all superficial mycoses?
Topical antifungal cream, hair removal for piedra.
Where do cutaneous mycoses reside?
Exclusively in keratin containing tissue: hair, nails, skin.
What are dermatophytes?
Fungus that invades keratin containing tissue, also known as keritinophilic fungi.
What special enzyme do dermatophytes secrete?
Keratinase, recall they are called keritinophilic, to digest keratin.
How are dermatophytes catagorized?
By route of transmission:
1) Anthrophilic - person to person transfer
2) Geophilic - earth to person
3) Zoophilic - animal to person
What microscopic structural characteristics do dermatophytes possess?
macroconidia or microconidia
Describe the Epidermophyton - E. flocossum dermatophyte.
infects in skin and nails
culture forms yellow-white cotton appearance
Macroconidia can be visualized as a big paddle with segments. No Microconidia
Describe the Microsporum dermatophyte species.
infects skin and nails
wood lamp fluoresces bright green
visualized macrocodia like symmetrical spindles with segments
Describe the Trichophyton dermatophyte species.
infect skin, hair, nails
Microconidia with various shapes, macroconidia rare
What tissue is infected by Trichophyton and Microsporum?
skin, hair, nails
What climate are T. ruburm, T. mentagrophytes and M. canis most frequently found in?
tropical and tmperate
What hair follicle abnormality does T. schoenleinii uniquely cause?
favus (air bubbles)
What condition does Epidermophyton cause?
rarely tinea unguium and never tinea capitis or barbae
Where are M. Canis and T. equinum from and what type of dermatophyte are they?
dogs and horses, zoophilic, and they tend to infect beards and hair
What etiology is geophilic Tinea capitis in children?
M. fulvum
Where does Tinea Capitis usually occur?
scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes
What are the three patterns of fungal invasion of hair?
ectothrix (outside), endothrix (inside), favic (root)
What type of fungal invasion is shown?
What type of fungal invasion is shown?
What type of fungal invasion is shown?
What fungal condition manifests as inflammatory circular lesions, burning sensation, that can occur anywhere excluding scalp, groin, palms and soles?
Tinea Corporis (ring-worm)
What fungal condition is limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck, is almost exclusive to men, and causes inflammatory, deep plaques?
Tinea Barbae
What fungal condition results in well demarcated groin and adjacent skin rash that is acutely moist and chronically dry with papular annules? It can occur in both men and women.
Tinea Cruris
This is the most common dermatophyte and it causes prurtic, scaly soles, painful interdigitary fissures, and rare ulcers or vessicles on the feet?
Tinea Pedis
What does tinea mean?
A discolored ring.... ringworm (general term for cutaneous mycoses)
What mycoses manifests as a fungal infection of the nails?
Tinea Unguium or Onychomycosis
What is the treatment for dermatophytes?
Topical antifungal or oral therapy.
What is the treatment for cutaneous mycosis?
Same thing as dermatophytes: Topical antifungal or oral therapy.