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19 Cards in this Set

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Cupressus sempervirens
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Anti-infectious
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, cooling
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Decongestant/vasoconstrictor - veins and lymph
◾ Diuretic - aids in reduction of fluids
◾ Tonic - nervous system

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Calms excessive thinking and talking
◾ Soothes when feeling overwhelmed
◾ Purifies and cleanses both psychically and physically
◾ Eases major life transitions

If oxidized it may cause skin irritation or sensitization. Some books say to avoid the essential oil during pregnancy, but there is no research to support this statement.

◾ Assists grief, trauma or transition
Boswellia carterii
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, cooling
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Carminative/tonic - settles digestion and may assist in preventing gas
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars
◾ Diuretic - aids in reduction of fluids
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Immunostimulant - stimulates immune function

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Supports reflection and introspection
◾ Encourages emotional healing on all levels
◾ Quiets the mind
◾ Supports focused attention and tranquility

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Blue Tansy
Tanacetum annum (Moroccan Chamomile)
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic
◾ Anti-inflammatory
◾ Antibacterial
◾ Antifungal (Candida)
◾ Anti-oxidant
◾ Antispasmodic
◾ Antiviral
◾ Cooling
◾ Immunostimulant
◾ Sedative
◾ Mucolytic
◾ Nervous System tonic

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Impatience
◾ Encourages the ability to relax
◾ Stress
◾ Soothes tendency to over worry
◾ Uplifting

No known safety issues.
Eucalyptus Globulus
Eucalyptus globulus
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antifungal - inhibits growth of fungus (Eucalyptus citriodora)
◾ Antimicrobial - helps the body strengthen its resistance to infective organisms
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, cooling
◾ Antiviral
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Decongestant - reduces nasal mucus production and swelling
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Mucolytic - breaks down mucus (pulmonary)

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Uplifting
◾ Clears the mind and aids concentration
◾ Cools and cleanses to reduce negative emotions
◾ Soothes exhaustion and encourages a sense of extra support

If oxidized, it may cause irritation or sensitization. It may antidote homeopathic remedies. It is too strong to use with babies or children under five years old on their faces or in a steam. Care must be taken when using with asthmatics.
Helichrysum gymnocephalum
Helichrysum gymnocephalum
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic- reducing pain
◾ Anti-infectious - protects against infection
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Antiviral
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Decongestant - reduces nasal mucus production and swelling
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Immune stimulant - stimulates functioning of immune system
◾ Mucolytic - breaks down mucus (pulmonary)
◾ Tonic for the nervous system - for exhaustion and stress

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Emotionally balancing
◾ Heals current emotional trauma
◾ Heals old emotional wounds

If oxidized, it may cause irritation or sensitization. It may antidote homeopathic remedies. It is too strong to use with babies or children under five years old on their faces or in a steam. Care must be taken when using with asthmatics.
Cymbopogon citratus
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
• Analgesic - numbs pain, tissue healing
• Antifungal - inhibits growth of fungus
• Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation (fungus)
• Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infection
• Antiviral - inhibits growth of virus (herpes)
• Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
• Digestive - reduce gas
• Febrifuge - reduces fever
• Tonic - strengthening and sedative for the whole body

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
• Uplifts mood while relaxing
• Refreshes and offers emotional protection
• Eases difficult emotional transitions
• Reduces fatigue & energizes

May cause irritation to skin and mucous membranes, best to use in low doses. Avoid using on individuals with sensitive or damaged skin. May be sensitizing. Robert Tisserand suggests that the oil not be used with children under two years old. Restrict use during pregnancy and breast feeding to maximum 0.7%.
Commiphora myrrha
Base Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain, anti-inflammatory
◾ Antimicrobial - helps the body strengthen its own resistance to
◾ Antibacterial
◾ Anti fungal
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars. warm, dry.
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Mucolytic - breaks down mucus, sedative, warming

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Calms the mind, brings tranquility
◾ Soothes those who are prone to over thinking and distraction
◾ Brings inner stillness and a sense of peace
◾ Used in meditations to connect physical and spiritual

According to Tisserand, beta-elemene found in Myrrh has shown antiangiogenic action, meaning it suppresses new blood vessels from forming. This may be useful in prventing tumor growth. However, it may also suppress fetal growth, therefore, should be avoided during pregnancy.
Origanum vulgare
Middle Note

Traditional Knowledge:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain (also good with osteoarthritis pain)
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infection (Studies show effectiveness against MRCA)
◾ Anti-infectious - especially with infections on the skin, respiratory or digestive system
◾ Anti-oxidant
◾ Antiviral- shown to be effective against polio, flu and herpes virus
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Nervous system sedative
◾ Stomachic - stimulates the stomach, digestive aid and tonic, improves appetite
◾ Warming
◾ Immune support
◾ Expectorant

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Stimulating nerve tonic
◾ Warming & Calming
◾ Gives a feeling of well being

◾ According to Tisserand, Oregano is known to be a moderate skin irritant and a strong mucous membrane irritant. He recommends using at not more than 1% concentration on mucous membrane.
◾ Our Oregano has a high phenol content and should never be used on the skin undiluted and we recommend using skin nourishing oils with Oregano to decrease the skin irritation.
◾ Do not use on children under 2 years old
◾ Do not use on Hypersensitive, diseased or damaged skin.
◾ Oregano is to be used cautiously.
◾ Do not use during pregnancy.
Tea Tree
Melaleuca alternifolia
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antibiotic - kills microorganisms
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Anti-infectious, anti-microbial, antiparasitic, antiviral, bactericidal
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation
◾ Antifungal - inhibits growth of fungus
◾ Decongestant - reduces nasal mucus production and swelling
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Immune stimulant - stimulates functioning of immune system
◾ Vasodilator - helps to dilate blood vessels, warming

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Builds confidence and strength
◾ Uplifts the spirit
◾ Combats feelings of victimization

May cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin. If oxidized it may cause sensitization. If sensitive, use in low dilution when applying to the skin, such as in bath or massage oils. Can also be used undiluted on the skin for specific skin conditions, if tolerated.
White Spruce
Picea glauca
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - pain killing
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, promotes cooling
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars
◾ Decongestant - reduces nasal mucus production and swelling
◾ Expectorant - removes excess mucus from respiratory system
◾ Mucolytic - breaks down mucus (pulmonary)

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Relaxing, restorative, calming
◾ Emotionally uplifting

The camphor is high enough to avoid using it with pregnant women, children and with people with epilepsy.
Neroli/Petitgrain Co-Distill
Citrus aurantium var amara (Flowers and Leaves)
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars
◾ Cooling
◾ Deodorant - removes unpleasant odors
◾ Nervous system tonic
◾ Nervous system sedative

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Relaxing for the nervous system
◾ Calms and soothes the heart
◾ Brings us in touch with our higher selves
◾ Facilitates spiritual and creative work

No safety issues specific to this oil.

Emotionally Balancing Perfume
6 drops Neroli/Petitgrain
3 drops Orange
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Blend into 1 oz. cream or use the perfume recipe. Use freely.
BASIC Perfume Recipe
Melt 2 tablespoons (1 oz.) of Jojoba oil and 2 tablespoons of Shea butter in a double boiler. I use a pot that I usually make rice in, fill it 1/4 of the way with water. Boil the water and then add the Jojoba and Shea into a Pyrex measuring cup. Put the Pyrex cup in the pot and you have yourself a double boiler! Melt the Jojoba and Shea over medium heat, and then pour into a small glass jar (2 oz or bigger). Add 6-8 drops of essential oils and cover until cool. This will make a lovely, soft perfume.
Citrus limon
Top Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antibacterial
◾ Antidepressant
◾ Antifungal
◾ Antiinfectious
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Antiseptic
◾ Antispasmodic
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Antiviral
◾ Carminative
◾ Detoxifying - helps to counters the effects of a toxin
◾ Diuretic (decongesting)
◾ Immune stimulant
◾ Rubifacient - oil increase local blood circulation causing minor skin irritation, vasodilation and local analgesic effect.
◾ Cooling.

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Uplifts and cleanses
◾ Expands energy, promotes a sense of opening
◾ Reduces tension and depression
◾ Invites happy, outward energy

This oil is steam distilled. According to Robert Tisserand, steam distilled citrus oils are not phototoxic. May cause skin irritation. Older, oxidized oils increase the potential for skin irritation. Iorganically grown fruit as citrus trees can be
Juniper Berry
Juniperus communis
Top/Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Anti-infectious
◾ Anti-inflammatory
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves chronic rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Provides rubifacient effect (generates localized increase in blood flow and circulation by irritation of skin, will often reduce pain and swelling), not for acute symptoms, analgesic, warming
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps, detoxifying
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue, circulatory stimulant
◾ Diuretic - aids in reduction of fluids, tonic- nervous system
◾ Warming

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Cleanses and protects
◾ Drives out negative forces
◾ Useful when feeling burdened or overwhelmed
◾ Releases worry and negative thinking

Nontoxic, though it may cause skin irritation or sensitization if oxidized. Use in low dilution when applying to the skin such as in bath or massage oils.
Spike Lavender
Lavandula latifolia
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Anti-inflammatory -alleviates inflammation. help heal wounds
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections, antiviral
◾ Antirheumatic
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Decongestant
◾ Expectorant
◾ Immune support
◾ Mucolytic
◾ Rubifacient - generates localized increase in blood flow and circulation by irritation of skin, will often reduce pain and swelling
◾ Sudorific - increases sweating

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Provides strong energy and support
◾ Promotes connection with the natural environment
◾ Stimulates vibrancy

No safety issues specific to this oil.
Rosemary ct camphor
Rosmarinus officinalis ct camphor
Top/Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Anti-inflammatory - reduce inflammation through circulatory action
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Antiviral
◾ Decongestant
◾ Diuretic
◾ Expectorant
◾ Restorative, tonic
◾ Stimulant
◾ Warming

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Stimulates and strengthens the mind
◾ Clears the thoughts
◾ Energizes and uplifts
◾ Encourages clarity

If oxidized it can cause skin irritation or sensitization. The literature suggests that people with epilepsy, high blood pressure, and pregnant women should avoid Rosemary. It can be a stimulating oil; avoid nighttime use. With children, use at no more than 1% (5-6 drops total in 1 ounce of carrier).
Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Antifungal
◾ Anti-infectious- assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Anti-inflammatory
◾ Antimicrobial
◾ Anti-anxiety
◾ Anticoagulant
◾ Antifungal (candida)
◾ Anti-oxidant
◾ Antispasmodic
◾ Antithrombotic
◾ Antirheumatic - prevents and/or relieves rheumatic pain and swelling
◾ Antiviral - inhibits growth of the herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 *
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Carminative/tonic - settles digestion and may assist in preventing gas
◾ Warming
◾ Vasodilator

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Warms mind and body
◾ Fosters confidence
◾ Promotes self-assurance

Safety: Use at 1% or less. This oil should not be diffused or used in an inhaler. Phenol high oils are not used with babies and children. Other cautions apply - see separate safety information!
Cinnamon Leaf - SAFETY Information:
Suggested use is at 1% or less. Cinnamon Leaf is high in a component called Eugenol, a Phenol. Phenols are considered to be the most irritating components to the skin and mucous membranes and can cause dermatitis and sensitization. If phenols are present in high concentrations in an essential oil, that oil should be used in very low dilutions on the skin (1% in a carrier) and for short periods of time. They are generally not safe for the skin in a bath. This oil should not be diffused or used in an inhaler. Phenol high oils are not used with babies and children.

Robert Tisserand, in his book Essential Oil Safety, states that oils high in eugenol should be used with caution on those with impaired liver function.

Do not use eugenol high oils (like Cinnamon Leaf, Clove & Tusli) with people who have clotting disorders, as eugenol is an anticoagulant.
Pelargonium roseum X asperum
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:
◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Antii-anxiety (for both chronic and acute)
◾ Analgesic - numbs pain
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections (urinary, pulmonary)
◾ Antifungal - inhibits growth of fungus (Candida, athlete's foot)
◾ Anti-inflammatory - alleviates inflammation, cooling
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Astringent - contracts and tightens tissue
◾ Antiviral - Inhibits growth of viruses
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Diuretic - reduction of fluids
◾ Cicatrisant - cell-regenerative for skin, healing for scars
◾ Tonic - strengthens and restores vitality to various body systems

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Increases imagination and intuition
◾ Protection from disturbing energy
◾ Increases capacity for intimate communication
◾ Supports one's ability to receive and to give
◾ Creates sense of security and stability
Geranium - SAFETY Information:

Some literature advises to avoid Geranium during early pregnancy. Robert Tisserand states in his book Essential Oil Safety that these concerns are due to high oral doses and Geranium oil is unlikely to cause problems when used within the doses appropriate for dermal (skin) application in aromatherapy.
Clary Sage
Salvia sclarea
Middle Note

Therapeutic Properties:

◾ Antidepressant - can help to prevent and alleviate depression
◾ Antiseptic - assists in fighting germs/infections
◾ Antispasmodic - relieves spasms and cramps
◾ Antiviral
◾ Bactericidal - destructive to bacteria
◾ Carminative - settles digestion and may assist in preventing gas
◾ Digestive system tonic/stimulant
◾ Sedative
◾ Stomachic - stimulates the stomach
◾ Emmenagogue - Helps promote and regulate menstruation.

Emotional and Energetic Qualities:
◾ Unblocks and circulates stagnant energy
◾ Nervous anxiety
◾ Depression
◾ Calming the mind
◾ Emotionally uplifting
◾ Indecision
◾ Emotional confusion
◾ Allows inspiration to flow
Clary Sage - SAFETY Information:

Possible mild irritant to skin and mucous membranes. Tisserand suggests that just because Clary Sage is labeled as an emmenagogue does not imply that the oil is an abortifacient in the amounts used in aromatherapy and, as such, it should present no danger in pregnancy.

Some sources say to avoid alcohol consumption as the combination can create "bad" dreams.

A word of caution: Some have reported an increased menstrual flow when used during a heavy period.