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88 Cards in this Set

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The composition of the atmosphere has no measurable variations by....? up to.....?
volume, some 80km
The two predominant constituents gases in the atmosphere are.....? &....?
78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen
Three constituent gases of moist air which show variation with altitude
Water vapour, carbon dioxide, ozone
The amount of water vapour that can be absorbed in the atmosphere depends on the....? of air.
In general terms, the total percentage of water vapour does not exceed.....?
Large amounts of carbon dioxide are dissolved in the...? & absorbed by...?
Oceans, Plants
The main importance of ozone is it's ability to....? and having done so, it tends to....? to the....? of the....?
Filter ultraviolet radiation, sink, lower, stratosphere.
The boundary between the troposphere and the stratosphere is the....?. This boundary is....? and....? over the equator than over the poles.
Tropopause, higher, colder.
The temperature in the lower half of the stratosphere is....? which means that temperature....? With height.
-56.5 degrees, remains steady
The homosphere comprises of the....?....? and the....?
Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere.
Atmospheric pressure is the result of the...? of a column of air above atum, and it....? the ability to do work.
Weight, has
Atmospheric pressure is the result of the...? of a column of air above datum, and it...? the ability to do work.
Weight, has
When adjacent pressure systems have large pressure differences, the gradient is ...? when the systems move further apart the gradient becomes...?
Strong, weak
In the international standard atmosphere (ISA), pressure and temperature changes with height are...?
When an altimeter is set to QFE, the instrument reads vertical distance above a ...? and on landing it will read ...?
Ground datum, zero
When an altimeter is set to QNE, the sub scale reads ...? and the instrument shows ...?
1013, pressure altitude
If the temperature of a substance is +12'c, how is this expressed in 'absolute?
Kelvin(absolute) = 273(0'c) therefore +12'c is 285 K
Most liquid-in-glass thermometers contain...? But the grass minimum thermometer normally uses ...?
Mercury, alcohol
The thermistor thermometer utilises the changes in...? resistance when temperature alters.
The surface air temperature is measured at height of ...?
1.5 meters
Solar radiation is ...? frequency ...? wave radiation containing ...?
High frequency, short wave, ultra-violet visible light and infra red.
Solar radiation approaching earth is subjected to...? from clouds, and ...? from particles in the atmosphere.
Reflection, scattering
The principle of the aneroid barometer is that the capsule expands as atmospheric pressure ....? with height.
Terrestrial radiation is ...? wave ...? frequency energy because the relative temperature of the earth is ...?
Long wave, low frequency, low
The four constituents that have a high capacity to absorb terrestrial radiation are ...?
Water vapour, cloud droplets, carbon dioxide and ozone
Warming of the lower levels of the atmosphere is achieved from ...? through..? and ...?
Below by the surface, terrestrial radiation and conduction/convection
During the night, conduction ...? and convection ...? so that ...? of the atmosphere takes place.
Conduction continues and convection ceases so that cooling can take place during the night.
Surfaces which are sandy or ploughed do not heat to a great depth and cause the diurnal variation of temperature to fluctuate ...?
A surface with high albedo is said to ...? solar energy ...?
Reflect, strongly
The diurnal variation of temperature is ...? by the wind.
New Zealand has a ..? climate with the annual range of temperature between ...?
Maritime, between 10'C and 20'C
The three most important processes through which moisture changes can occur are...?
Precipitation, condensation, evaporation the great
The greatest amount of water is contained in the...?
By pressure lapse rate is meant the ....? of pressure with height; it is ...? In cold air than in warm air.
Decrease greater
Water vapour changing to liquid water involves the...? process which requires the presence of ...?
Condensation, condensation nuclei
Super saturation is a condition where water vapour changes to liquid ...? than normal due to the ...? of condensation nuclei.
Later, lack of
When water evaporates it ...? partial vapour pressure of air and thereby it ...? atmospheric pressure.
Adds to, increases
The saturation vapour pressure of moist air is determined by the air's ...? in that a higher ...? will produce a ...? saturation vapour pressure.
Temperature, temperature, higher
When a substance changes it's state there is a demand for, or release of...? which...? alter the temperature of the substance undergoing the change.
Latent heat, does not
The four main factors that affect the rate of evaporation are...?
Temperature, water content of air, wind, air pressure
When water vapour changes it's state to ice, the process involved is...? Which...? latent heat.
Deposition, releases
Humidity mixing ratio is the percentage expression of the mass of...? In grammes per...? of ...?air.
Water vapour, kilograms, dry
Absolute humidity means the...? of water vapour per unit...? of air expressed as...? per...?
Weight or mass, volume, grammes/m3
Relative humidity means the ratio of the...? of water vapour in a given...? of air to the maximum...? of water vapour that the air can hold at the same...?
Weight, volume, weight, temperature
What is the change in height per hPa when the pressure is 400 hPa and the temperature is -24'c?
273(kelvin)-24 = 249 x 96T = 23904. 23904/400 = 59.7 feet per hPa.
When the air's temperature increases and moisture content remains unchanged, relative humidity will...?
Dew point is the...? at which a parcelled of air...? under constant pressure.
Temperature, saturates
When the air temperature decreases while the moisture content remains unchanged, the relative humidity will...? and the dew point will...?
Increase, remain the same
List three methods at which relative humidity can be measured...?
Wet bulb/dry bulb, hair hygrometer, lithium chloride element
When moisture is added to the atmosphere, the density of the air...?
The four forces that have a fundamental influence on the wind velocity are...????
Pressure gradient, Coriolis force, centripetal and frictional forces
An isobar is a line joining places of equal ...? Along side one side of any isobar pressures are ...? And the other side ..?
Pressure, high, less
An anti cyclone is a pressure system which has highest pressure towards the ..? And surface ...? causes air in the system to..?
Centre, surface divergence, subside
A depression is a pressure system which has lowest pressure towards the ...? and ...? within the system which normally causes ..?
Centre, ascent of cooling air, causes cloudy skies
The semi-diurnal variation of atmospheric pressure is caused mainly by daily ...? fluctuations; it shows the lowest pressure around?
Temperature, 1600 hours
Pressure gradient is the change in pressure per...? From high to low.
Horizontal distance
Pressure gradient is reflected by the gap of the..? In that the smaller the gap the stronger the..?
Isobars, winds
The pressure gradient always acts at...? To the isobars from the area of..? pressure to...? pressure.
Right angles, high to low
The term 'environment lapse rate' (ELR) means the change in ....? of ....? air at progressively higher levels.
Temperature, rising
The term 'environment lapse rate' (ELR) means the change in ....? of ....? air at progressively higher levels.
Temperature, rising
When the ELR curve shows a near vertical orientation and then a less vertical orientation at higher levels on a graph, the lower ELR is ...? and the higher ELR is ...?
Shallow, Steep
When the ELR shows an increase in temperature with height, there is said to be an ....? and this is also known as a ...? lapse rate.
Inversion, Negative lapse rate
An adiabatic process is one where heat energy ...? lost, or gained from the surroundings.
Is not
The term 'environment lapse rate' (ELR) means the change in ....? of ....? air at progressively higher levels.
Temperature, rising
When the ELR curve shows a near vertical orientation and then a less vertical orientation at higher levels on a graph, the lower ELR is ...? and the higher ELR is ...?
Shallow, Steep
When the ELR shows an increase in temperature with height, there is said to be an ....? and this is also known as a ...? lapse rate.
Inversion, Negative lapse rate
An adiabatic process is one where heat energy ...? lost, or gained from the surroundings.
Is not
The dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is about ...? degrees per ...? feet of ...? moving air.
3degrees Celsius, 1000feet, Vertically.
The term 'environment lapse rate' (ELR) means the change in ....? of ....? air at progressively higher levels.
Temperature, rising
When the ELR curve shows a near vertical orientation and then a less vertical orientation at higher levels on a graph, the lower ELR is ...? and the higher ELR is ...?
Shallow, Steep
When the ELR shows an increase in temperature with height, there is said to be an ....? and this is also known as a ...? lapse rate.
Inversion, Negative lapse rate
An adiabatic process is one where heat energy ...? lost, or gained from the surroundings.
Is not
The dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is about ...? degrees per ...? feet of ...? moving air.
3degrees Celsius, 1000feet, Vertically.
When the DALR lies below the ELR on the temperature/altitude graph, ...? air is sad to be ...?
Dry, stable
The term 'environment lapse rate' (ELR) means the change in ....? of ....? air at progressively higher levels.
Temperature, rising
When the ELR curve shows a near vertical orientation and then a less vertical orientation at higher levels on a graph, the lower ELR is ...? and the higher ELR is ...?
Shallow, Steep
When the ELR shows an increase in temperature with height, there is said to be an ....? and this is also known as a ...? lapse rate.
Inversion, Negative lapse rate
An adiabatic process is one where heat energy ...? lost, or gained from the surroundings.
Is not
The dry adiabatic lapse rate (DALR) is about ...? degrees per ...? feet of ...? moving air.
3degrees Celsius, 1000feet, Vertically.
When the DALR lies below the ELR on the temperature/altitude graph, ...? air is sad to be ...?
Dry, stable
The saturated adiabatic lapse rate (SALR) is about ...? degrees per thousand feet of ...? moving air and ...? with altitude.
1.5 degrees, vertically, increases.
When the SALR lies above on the temperature/altitude graph, moist air is?
When rising saturated air is stable, there (will/will not) be (stratiform/cumuliform/any) cloud.
Will, stratiform.
When unstable rising air remains dry, there (will/will not) be (stratiform/cumulus/any) cloud.
Will not, Any.
When flying below the cloud base in conditions where the DALR lies above the ELR, the cloud type is most likely to be (stratiform/cumuliform) and flight conditions will most likely be (smooth/turbulent).
Cumuliform, Turbulent.
When flying below the cloud base in conditions where the DALR lies above the ELR, the cloud type is most likely to be (stratiform/cumuliform) and flight conditions will most likely be (smooth/turbulent).
Cumuliform, Turbulent.
During thermal rising of unsaturated air, the DALR must be (more/less) than the ELR.
When thermal rising takes place and cloud develops, the base of this cloud will (rise/lower) if the dew point increases and the base will (rise/lower) if the dew point is steady bit the surface air temperature increases.
Lower, rise.