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90 Cards in this Set

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The Virginia Company which founded Jamestown in 1607, was a particular type of company called a

joint-stock company

if colonists in virginia transported workers to virginia at their own expense, the company gave them lands called

headright grants

the "merchantable commodity"which the virginia colonists finally identified was


the house of burgesses, established in 1619:

had authority over taxes and finances

the colony of maryland was distinctive because

charles I granted it to the calverts, who made it a catholic refuge

indentured servants:

were men, women, and children who gained their freedom..

William Penn wanted pennsylvania to be a

holy experiment

the confrontation between virginia backcountry settlers and the indians, which turned into an attack on governor berkeley, is known as

bacon's rebellion

bacon's rebellion revealed that

blah blah blah conflict in the colonies between frontier and coastal areas

the spainard who took tenochtitlan and defeated the aztecs was

hernan cortes

the spanish priest who condemned the spanish mistreatment of the indians and wrote the destruction of the indians was

bartolome de las casas

the religious revolt against the roman catholic church led by martin luther is known as the

protestant reformation

social and economic change in england promoted protestantism when inflation made fixed rents unprofitable because the landed elite, in order to have more land to run sheep, forced the poor off the land by taking over common or shared fields, which was called having the land:


in response to the proclamation of 1763:

colonists ignored british law and pushed west across the appalachians

the repeal of the stamp act indicated that the british

were willing to compromise with the colonists

the tea act of 1773

was an effort to save the british east india company from bankruptcy

the colonists were alarmed by the quebec act for all of the following reasons except

it stated all official business of quebec would be conducted in french

the massachusetts minister who sparked the religious revivalism in the puritan colonies in the 1730s was

jonathan edwards

the failure of the albany conference to bring greater unity to the colonies indicates

the unwillingness of individual colonies to relinquish any of their powers

william pitt's policies leading to ultimate british victory in the seven years' war included all of the following except

drafting of large numbers of colonists who became the core of british forces in north america

christianity for african americans

was a religion of spiritual freedom that helped blacks survive oppression

leaders of slave revolts in the nineteenth century included

gabriel prosser, nat turner, and denmark vesey

which of the following was the escaped slave who made 12 rescue missions, eventually freeing between 60 and 70 slaves

harriet tubman

how would hinton helper's book the impending crisis be characterized


the document that created a "civil body politic" and a measure of self-government among the pilgrims was the

mayflower compact

when the puritans sailed to new england and established the massachusetts bay colony, the movement became known as the

great migration

john winthrop, the first governor of massachusetts bay, advocated building a model society that would act as an example for england and referred to the settlement as

a city on a hill

the erie canal

set off a canal-building boom in other states

merchants who accumulated capital in international trade and then invested in other activities include all of the following except

samuel slavr

the putting-out system:

employed mostly unskilled workers doing piecework labor

the newly built new england textile mills were protected from british competition by all of the following except the

american system

horace Mann advocated all of the following except

putting abler children into private schools

one of the chief advocates of teacher training for women was

catherine beether

the new reform prisons such as Sing Sing in new york were intended to

rehabilitate the prisoners rather than punish them

mother ann lee was the founder of a utopian group called the


the bill of rights primarily protects

the individual from the government and the majority

hamilton's fiscal program of 1790 included all of the following except having the federal government

pay only the market value of securities held by americans

washington issued a proclamation of neutrality in april 1793 because he

feared that ambassador genet's activites would bring war with britian

the meeting held july 19 and 20, 1814, in upper new york state to advocate rights for women became known as the

seneca falls convention

the revolution that was considered the most radical of those passed by women reformers in upper new yor state in uly 1848 was the demand for women to have

the first right to vote

one of the primary organizers of the reformation conference in upper new york state in july 1848

elizabeth cady stanton

the reason the battle of saratoga was important was that it

convinced france to enter the war because the patriots had a chance to win

the first written constituion of the united states was

articles of confederation

the legislation under the articles of confederation that provided for the survey and sale of western lands was the

land ordinance of 1785

publications such as the penny papers and stories of edgar allan poe suggest americans

were fascinated by the violence around them

free african americans in northern cities faced all of the following except

discrimination in their churches

the workingmen's party

wanted to save the independent craftsman and his shop

the political machines

offered the immigrants some help and a sense of community

those english protestants who believed that the church of england was too corrupt to be saved were called the


the puritans of new england established the blah blah blah of

republican rule

blah blah blah blah what would be the most powerful?


landless people who walked from town to town in search of work were known as the

strolling poor

the 1662 decision by the puritan chuch that allowed children of members to participate in most church activites without a conversion experience was known as

halfway covenant

the rationalist approach to religion in the early eighteenth century was challenged in the 1730s by the movement known as the

great awakening

the first published poet in new england was

anne bradstreet

religious disagreement in massachusetts bay led to all of the following except

william bradford's decision to keep plymouth a seperate colony until 1961

the principal founder of rhode island was

roger williams

the supression of the whisky rebellion indicated all of the following except

the national government proved that...

the united states argued that its natural rights were long violated by all of the following except

boycotts of americanprodcts and ships

the era of good feelings was made possible by all of the following except

rising power and renewed...

as secretary of state john quincy adams did all of the following except

define the western....

the glorious revolution of 1688 resulted in a change in the english monarchy so that it became a

constitutional monarchy

the conflict of the 1690s, which was the first of several between england and france over a 75 year period was known in the colonies as

king william's war

in 1619, slaves first arrived in the region that would become what state in america


shay's rebellion

led conservative nationalists to....

what was the name of the convention at which a resolution passed requiring that states send delegates...?

annapolis convention

who is the father of the constituion

james madison

the great compromise included all of the following agreements except

an immediate end to the slave trade

andrew jackson was eleted in 1825 based on all of the following except

his political experience and thoughtful positions on the issues

calhoun supported the doctrine of nullification because

he saw it as a way to protect the rights of minorities

the whig party and a second two party system developed

in opposiion to jackson's acts based on claims of greater presidnetial power

the evangelical religion of Charles G Finnery and the second great awakening emphasized that

a desire to be saved as shown by moral behavior was not enough

sentimentalism involved all of the following except

warnings about the decietful practices of the urban buisness world

in common sense, the englishman thomas paine argued

the foundation of the british system was inappropriate for america

all of the following led to the declaration of independence except

widespread slave uprisings called for the british

in 1776, what two foreign powers approved the shipping of supplies to the rebellious colonies

france and spain

the massachusetts ____puritans in 1734 was

jonathan edwards

the anglican minister from england who brought the great awakening to the colonies was

george whitefield

william peitt's policies leading to ultimate british victory in the seven years war included all of the following except

drafting of large numbers of evi

some members of the group that was expelled from canada by the british


the painting the death of the general wife by blah blah depicts the british leader's demise at the 1759 battle at


new france comparred to new spain, was more

accepting of indian ways and belieefs

the french fur traders who moved into the woods and lived with the indians are known as

coureurs de bois

what did the colony established on roanoke island becomek nown as

the lost colony

for most europeans, like in the late middle ages might have be described as

disspersed socially and politically but unified

___ the end of the middle ages, the blah indicator of coming change was he

emergence of a new merchant class and more powerful monarchs

the renaisance is identified with the following centuries


columbus's voyages show that he and his sponsors mainly

wanted riches and power

he spanish institution that forced the indians to labor for spanish lords in virtual slavery was nown as


in 1619 slaves first arrived in the region that would become what state in america
