Neither my parents, nor my grandparents went to college and I am also the oldest in my family. This makes me both the experiment and the example to my siblings. I cannot recall a time that I didn’t think I was going to college, it’s always just been expected of me by my parents. Honestly, I don’t mind because I want to be the first in my family to graduate from college and to make my them proud. If I struggled more in school this would be different, but since I enjoy it for the most part I have dedicated myself to the cause. I am even considering graduate school, though it is a long time away still!
In conclusion, it might seem that there is only one reason to go to college: to get a degree. But in reality, there is not one answer but many. It all depends on the person and their viewpoints and situation in life. Many, like myself, go to gain both life experience and because they enjoy school. Others go solely because they believe that they are expected to, which does not always end well. I am glad that I chose to attend college, and I look forward to the next few years and where they will bring