Why Is Animal Testing Necessary

Decent Essays
To begin with , in my consider about animal testing comes down to be a big deal because their are people that are out and will do anything to save these animals from diseases , cancer and more . As in testing what their genetic's can do such as running as fast in 1.2 per second , hopping , swinging and , see how long they breathe under water a'lot of animals is pretty cool of what they can be able to do but when it comes down from a animal getting hurt it depends on us whether we can save or not as it states in the text 'I WOULDN'T BE ALIVE WITHOUT ANIMAL TESTS . But in fact most scientist do enjoy using animals for testing , because they become attached to them . all mammals have the same essential internal organs. To appear my well-being is to endorse whether animals testing is the best way of deciding whether products are safe for humans because animals are genetically similar to humans .this what I'm to be talking about today animal testing is still necessary to us people. …show more content…
Therefore scientists maintain that unrestricted animal testing yields to be a greater results and can be improvements to modern medicine . The animal and plant health inspection service. Using animals for medical testing remains controversial . There are pros and cons on each side of the debate. With no doubt animals testing has led to many scientific achievements that greatly benefited us humans and although over a billons of years animals have been mistreated and worse to gain these achievements to get better as in medical animal testing

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