Who Is The Procedure In Ernest Hemingway's Hills Like White Elephant

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In Ernest Hemingway’s short story “Hills like White Elephants” He talks about two people, a couple who are in an argument and are passing back and forth the control of the argument. The argument at hand is about the abortion the American wants Jig (the girl) to have. Jig is on the fence about the abortion while the
American is pushing her to have the “simple operation” so that the relationship with go back to how it was before the pregnancy, while Jig is not exactly sure she wants the procedure she tries to say that they can be happy even with the baby at which point she tries to turn the tables on the American by being passive so that she would get the answer she wanted out him; the American then says that he wants her to do whatever it is that she wants to and he will
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He was manipulating her feelings for him to make her do what he wanted like some men do today to accomplish the goal of the procedure.
Many women have their own form of manipulation like Hemingway demonstrated with
Jig, She was on the fence about the abortion and she kept asking the American questions looking for reassurance to either abort or keep the child to which she was met with answers that did not soothe her conscience. In short of everything the American was telling Jig about going through with the abortion so that they could be happy she has questions asking if they could be happy even if they had the baby showing that Jig was more invested in the relationship than the
American was. As she realized she was not going to get the reaction she wanted from the
American Hemingway has her character start to almost guilt trip the American by acting

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