Who Is Napoleon A Dictator In Animal Farm

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Dictators in history all have something in common; an obsession with power. A great example of a murderous dictator would be Omar al-Bashir. Bashir was born in January of 1944 in the Nile Valley of northern Sudan. He joined the military at sixteen and slowly worked his way up to being a torturous dictator. The conniving dictator Napoleon manipulates situations to get to the top in the short novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. Which is a mirror image of the dictator of Sudan. They are similar in their rise to power, laws and polices, and even their cruelties and atrocities.
Although Bashir was a dictator from history and Napoleon is a character in a novel, they still have many things in common such as how they rose to power. In order to gain
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When Napoleon is trying to save money, “He orders the hen’s rations to be stopped, and decreed that any animal giving so much as a grain of corn to a hen should be punished by death” (Orwell 69). This policy is harsh when the hens refuse to give up their beloved eggs for Napoleon’s wicked ways of profit. This policy is heartless for Napoleon’s own benefit. When Napoleon gains full power, “There was nothing there now except a single commandment. It ran: All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others” (Orwell 118). At the beginning of the story, all animals are equal end of discussion, but by the end of the story Napoleon has all the animals completely brainwashed to worship him over others. The Darfar event was complete chaos, “So when the first international television coverage of the Darfur crisis aired--on Al Jazeera last December--his government closed the network’s Khartoum bureau, confiscated its equipment, and arrested the reporter” (Bacon 1). Bashir withheld important information and lied to his people so that they would never doubt him coincidentally analogous to Napoleon. For Bashir, “Elections were held in 1996, with the stated goal of moving from a military government to an ‘Islamic democracy,’ but major opposition parties, which were not allowed to operate openly, boycotted the elections” (“Omar” 2). In Animal Farm the only …show more content…
In order for the other animals to fear Napoleon, “The dogs promptly tore their throats out, and in a terrible voice Napoleon demanded whether any other animal had anything to confess” (Orwell 75). Napoleon does not listen to what they have to say, he harshly executes them for almost no reason at all. It is a malicious and shocking act. After Boxer becomes ill from age, Napoleon calls a van to take him to the animal hospital but soon the animals that can read discover that the van is really taking him to a horse slaughterer (Orwell 108). Boxer is kind and loyal to Napoleon despite his devious acts. He is the hardest worker on the farm, but as soon as he gets too old, Napoleon gets rid of him like he is nothing.When Bashir was in power, “As many as 30,000 people people had died and more than a million had been displaced by a government-backed militia called the Janjaweed. In what appears to be an act of ethnic cleansing, the Arab-dominated group attacked black African tribes, killing men, raping women, poisoning wells, razing villages, and destroyed crops” (Bacon 1). This act was extremely egregious, abominable, and appalling just like Napoleon’s act of destruction and murder. Just before Bashir came into full power,“Within months, thousands were arrested, while nearly one hundred military officers, politicians, and journalists were

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