Waste Management In Modern Society

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Athens citizens discarded waste in the streets until legislators banned the practice in 320 B.C., enacting the first recorded waste disposal law. Organized waste collection emerged in the late 1800’s, with metropolises such as such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia and London discarding collected raw debris in the nearest body of water.

According to the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), the United States produces over 254 million tons annually. Today, municipal services reduce the environmental impact of waste disposal with recycling. Despite this progress, legislators now weigh options to manage waste created by technology components. In fact, legislators have tabled waste management policies to protect the public and the environment
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[1] Toward the middle of the century, unregulated dumping and incineration generated significant threats for the public and environment, prompting regulators to establish rules for safe disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous materials.

Today, advanced incinerators burn debris with less pollution and, at the same time, extract energy. The innovations result from waste management laws requiring municipalities to maintain societal health conditions and reduce environmental impacts. In recent times, regulators have examined the following waste disposal
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The odor free method reduces refuse volume by 50-percent but with great staffing and operating expense for labor and facility upkeep. Additionally, the collected refuse produces the same odor and attracts the same animals and insects as landfills until processed.

Method 4: Open dumping

The only advantage to open dumping is unequivocal cost-effectiveness. Open dumping presents an undeniable community health hazard. In addition to developing into an unsightly mess, the practice creates a breeding ground for diseases transmitted by animals and insects. In addition, the practice produces contaminants that seep into the ground and water supply. Over time, degrading waste produces a fetid, toxic gas that pollutes the air and endangers nearby inhabitants.

Method 5: Recycling and Composting

Waste disposal operators and environmentalist promote recycling as critical for long-term sustainability. Although highly effective, the practice is extremely costly and not all refuse is appropriate for recycling. To date, the recycling technology is somewhat stagnant, resulting in large expenses due a largely manual

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