The Importance Of Preventing Workplace Violence

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Workplace violence is defined as “violence or the threat of violence against workers” ( This consists of verbal abuse, physical attacks, or homicide. The situation in which a man is coming down from Chicago to assault Hochwarter is a classic example of workplace violence. Knowing what to do in these situations and how to protect those around you from workplace violence is essential. When dealing with workplace violence, and more specifically workplace homicide the best way to protect all employees is to have proper security and diligent training. There are over 700 workplace homicides each year with each one costing over $1,000,000 on average (Hochwarter, Wayne). These are very traumatic and costly events therefore it is in the best …show more content…
Hochwarter would be to contract the Tallahassee Police Department. The Tallahassee Police Department could assist with increasing officers surrounding the FSU during the time period in which the intruder is expected to arrive. Knowledge of what the intruder looks like, details about his car, and anyone that he may be traveling with could assist with an early arrest and prevent any future harm against FSU, The College of Business, and Mr. Hochwarter. Also, increasing the FSU Police Department’s prevalence on campus would be critical to the safety of the students. Placing both undercover and officers in uniform around the College of Business would potentially deter the intruder from attempting to enter the College of Business. Increasing attention to surveillance footage increases the likelihood that the intruder could be captured before he reaches his intended destination ( If necessary, increasing the amount of cameras around the College of Business and the rest of the University would be beneficial to all involved. Testing the University alarm system is logical since it is the easiest way to reach most of the students at the University and more specifically the College of Business ( This consists of running the loud speaker system, as well as sending out a test text message and a test e-mail as well. Finally, the last way to protect employees are technological advances that require fingerprints or scanning your hand to keep trespassers out of the workplace. The most common form of entering a secure building would be with a key card. Since 60% of workplace homicides are done by a stranger many of the other methods of prevention would not apply due to the fact that unless that intruder displayed any suspicious behavior he would not be stopped. (Hochwarter, Wayne). This would be a last case scenario in case the intruder managed to slip through all other security measures. This would protect

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