Macbeth And Banquo In The Count Of Monte Cristo

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Ethics is something that is determined by the individual. What seems correct to one person, may not be correct to another. There are, however, certain “rules” that a person in society must obey to live their life to full potential. In The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas, there are several characters that break these “rules” and are therefore considered unethical. For example, a seducer that “murderers” his newborn child (Dumas 187-188). There are also characters that are considered unethical in Macbeth by William Shakespeare; for example, the main character and his wife. Whenever there is an unethical or ethical decision made, there is always an effect that usually will involve more than one person. Whether that effect is considered …show more content…
Macbeth murders Banquo out of fear and selfishness. Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches that predict their futures for them (Macbeth I. iii. 49-70). Macbeth is told by the three witches that he will be thane of Cawdor and the future king (49-51). Banquo becomes eager and asks the three witches what his future will look like, and they tell him that his descendants will be kings “…though thou be none” (68). As the story progresses, Macbeth becomes worried about the information that the three witches gave Banquo and decides that murder would solve his problems. Macbeth hires two hitmen to carry out the murder for him, and tells the hitmen that Fleance’s “...absence is no less material to [him] than is his father’s” because killing Fleance will prevent his taking the throne, as the three witches had predicted (136-137). So, the hitmen follow King Macbeth’s orders and kill Banquo, but are unsuccessful in killing his son Fleance, who runs away as they are stabbing his father (18-19). Macbeth clearly did not “...think through the ethical dilemma and identify all of the components” because when the hitmen come back and tell Macbeth that Fleance got away, Macbeth becomes even more stressed than before (Boatman). Macbeth’s consequence for his unethical behavior is thinking that he sees Banquo, in the form of a ghost, at a dinner party that night (45-51). From that …show more content…
Morrel is the owner of the Pharaon ship. Morrel is struggling financially because the ship had not made it back to port after several weeks. Because of this, he was in debt with Monsieur de Boville, as well as, two bills that had not been paid yet (Dumas 118). An Englishman, from the firm Thomson and French, pays a visit to Morrel and extends the due date on the money that he owes (123). Morrel is thankful for the extension, but his fear of debt does not go away. He plans to commit suicide, to prevent his family from having a dishonorable name, but is saved at the last minute by Sinbad the Sailor (127-128). Morrel’s daughter, Julie, is the recipient of a letter with specific instructions (127). She obeys the author of the letter and returns to her father’s office with the full amount of money needed to pay of his debts, along with, a pure diamond (129). As Morrel soaks all of this in, he is told that the Pharaon is coming back into port (130). Morrel is puzzled by these curious acts of kindness, but is also extremely relieved. Sinbad the Sailor paid off Morrel’s debt out of pure generosity and made a decision that would have absolutely no consequences

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