Theme Of Big Brother Is Ethining You

Improved Essays
What is one theme that you have noticed while reading so far?

Although the book incorporates a plethora of events that revolve around

autocracy and totalitarianism, another significant theme is the “manipulation and control

of humanity with coercion and technology”. With the abandonment of knowledge by

eradicating anti source of anti-Big Brother Scripts, individual thoughts are constrained

and designed in a way to be monitored or manipulated. The Party constricts any past

records (forms of documents or photos) so people are willing to trust the Party’s words

ingenuously. By controlling the present, the Party is able to manipulate the past. And in

controlling the past, the Party can justify all of its actions in the present. Another form of
…show more content…
Everywhere people

went, citizens are continuously reminded by the omnipresent signs that convey the

message “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU”. In order words, the authorities are

scrutinizing them. With the advocacy of the Party to induct young and minors into an

organization of Junior Spies, they are encourage and brainwashed to report any

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