The Value Of Living In America Essay

Improved Essays
Living in America, life should be richer, and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement, regardless of social class or circumstances of birth. Everyone around the world conflicts with their differences and in America, not everyone agrees. Some have stronger beliefs than others and sometimes we meet in the middle. Living in America we have created a diverse society by expressing true opinions and understanding the value our country has to offer.
Everyone expresses their true feelings about America differently whether our civilization in America is all about freedom, justice, or equality… America does have all those appreciable qualities however, sometimes America is not the greatest country in the world. In the News Room clip the main focus was basically expressing we are not the only country with freedom or independence. Every country and society has its own way of running a civilization but our way doesn’t always make us ‘the greatest
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We take a lot of givens for granted. In the clip First World Problems the main message trying to get across is how some civilizations around the world are struggling to get clean water and here we are complaining about how good we have it. “I hate it when my house is too big so I need two wireless routers,” or, “I hate when I can’t walk and text at the same time,” and “I hate when my mint gum makes my ice water too cold.” We as Americans rant about the smallest most pointless things we call ‘problems’. Most people in our civilization do not think about world wide problems and often stick to our daily routines. Not many people put into consideration what is happening outside our country which makes us take what we have for granted a lot of the time. America has a very well put together nation, but we often do not look at the bigger picture of what is happening outside of our country and what really

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