Technology Negatives

Improved Essays
Since the introduction of technology, it has been constantly developing and advancing creating changes in the ways in which people communicate, learn, think and simply how they live their lives. Often times when the word “technology” is mentioned, people rarely even consider the negative aspects of it, or they think negative qualities do not pertain to the word. The first thoughts about technology are how it advances the world, introduces more knowledge and furthermore creates efficient means of communication. Despite how much people praise all the enhancements technology brings, there are still downsides to it that affect society as a whole. Agreeably, technology in forms of smart phones, the internet, laptops, greatly affects the field …show more content…
During an interview, a teen said, “If you’re not on MySpace, you don’t exist.” “What was meant by that statement is simply that social acceptance depends on the ability to socialize with one’s peers at the “cool” place” (Boyd, 2014, p.5). Social media has increased the pressure in which teens have to own a smartphone, own a laptop, have Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. to be “cool”. In addition, Boyd (2014) says “social media services play a role in teens’ struggles for popularity and status because they enable the easy spread of information and allow teens to keep up with every changing school dynamic. These technologies also allow people to maintain social ties more easily, providing infrastructure for the dissemination of social information” (p. 143). Besides the popularity struggle, the time teens spend on the Internet is also not healthy for their own well-being. There has been research done in which increased use of the Internet was associated with greater feelings of depression and loneliness which leads to less self-esteem and satisfaction with life in general (Chan, 2013). Spending an overwhelming amount of time on the internet or communicating through means of social media can blur the line of knowing the difference between how to interact in cyber space versus real life situations. In a more serious matter, extensive internet use could lead to difficult sleeping, irregular eating schedule and limited time for exercising (Cyr, Berman, Smith, 2014). Various research conducted have also found that college students prefer texting over talking which is a result of technology, being able to communicate at the touch of fingertips. This instant sense of communication also fosters the trait of impatience and could potentially turn into anger management issues. Another common problem that arises with communicating behind a cellphone and social media is

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