Standardized Testing In Relation To Teachers

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Standardized tests in relation to teachers is being taken too far; the extent some teachers are taking go as far as quitting jobs they love because they don’t get to teach what they want, or feel the need, to teach because of extreme amounts of standardized test studying. Stacie Starr was a teacher, who had been selected in 2014 as the “Top Teacher”. Shortly after this award was presented, she announced on a television show she was to quit as a teacher because her job entitled spending too much time teaching children methods for taking and passing standardized tests. Another teacher, Neely-Randall, taught a fifth grade class who was taking a test for the standard Ohio Achievement Test. This specific test amounted to nearly 8 hours of testing …show more content…
There are parents all over the country opting their children out of standardized tests because they think there is too much standardized testing; along with too much stress being put on their children. Since the number of standardized tests is always increasing, school districts are receiving many more complaints than years past from parents regarding the education their child is receiving. Parents are begging the question of what these standardized test are being utilized for; yet, no one seems to be able to answer the question unless a student is doing optional testing, like the ACT. The standardized tests students are taking, and parents are complaining about, are in regards to school districts to see how they are doing as a whole, and it is unfair to the students. Parents are doing all of this complaining because their children’s educations are being compromised for the simplicity of school achievement.
In 2016, Fair Test released an article stating the new federal education law allows parents to say no to standardized testing (1). Schools seem to think if they have parents opting their children out of standardized tests, the schools will lose funding, which is untrue (Fair Test). Parents can simply write a letter to the school principal stating they do not want their child participating in the standardized test and would like for their child to participate in different productive learning activities. Opting-out
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Standardized tests such as the ACT seem so important and essential for college, but people should reconsider those thoughts. The ACT/SAT are just numbers thousands of colleges look at for scholarship and admission factors. These test scores determine the amount of scholarship money they receive from the school and even acceptance to the specific college or university. Colleges haven’t determined if either the ACT or SAT a better or worse than the other because they comparatively score on the same characteristics of the test. Respectively, ACT scores may determine basic skills such as a cold read or reading a graph, but do not look past right or wrong

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