Life After High School Essay

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Graduating high school is supposed to be the most magical and freeing time of any young-adult’s life; at least that is what the movies would like everyone to believe. Coming into the “real world” straight from high school can actually be a terrifying time. Like a colt attempting to walk after coming from his mother’s womb, learning to support oneself is extremely demanding. The expectation of graduating high school was that I would have no more school, have fun all the time, be independent, and I would have freedom, but I was surely wrong. The reality was that I would have college, a job, I would be living with my parents still, and I’d have no free time. During my senior year of high school, I knew college was in my plan, but I never let …show more content…
Life after high school included much more homework, bills, dependency, and busy schedules. School was, yet again, my life. No matter how much I wanted to break free from it, it was a necessity once again. I had to realize that everything costs money and bills can be outrageous; there was no avoiding expense and debt is not a pleasant alternative. Being independent seemed so easy, yet I could not make it happen. Being free and having fun was on my agenda to being with, but being responsible put a damper on that. I walked into adulthood with blind expectations and had the pleasure of finding out, first-hand, that my hopes and dreams were not realistic for me since I did not do anything to prepare. Movies do a great job of portraying the fun and light-hearted side of graduating, but not too many of the hardships and reality of it all. Schools and parents should take further action to help teenagers realize that adulthood can be frightening and difficult, not just exciting and fun. There should also be more programs available to teach teens how to do important things like paying taxes and budgeting. Though the months after high school graduation were exceptionally trying, I found out I can handle some tough situations and I learned a good deal of valuable life

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