Personal Narrative: Graduate High School

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Is college worth it? Should I go? What do I want to major in? These questions were quite common in my head my Senior year.

Earlier this year, I successfully passed through one milestone in my life: Graduate High School.

Don’t get me wrong, high school was a breeze for me. I didn’t struggle terribly. I was ranked in the Top 10 students in my class, helped take my softball team to State two years in a row, and got along well with all my classmates and teachers.

One thing I didn’t do in high school that was different than all of my peers was work on college and scholarships. The idea of college was frightening. I did apply, as part of an assignment, and got accepted to a University. (However I made sure that my entry date was about two years after I graduated.) Every time I heard about college, the words ‘debt’ and ‘student loans’ would jump at me. Even though I did well, I had no idea what I wanted to do. So many things called at me: archaeology, Navy, forensics, artist…the list goes on. However, every time I looked into each thing I was interested in carefully, they weren’t all they seemed.

Archaeology was more paperwork and writing down data, rather than fieldwork. Forensics was not going to be like what you saw in the movies. I blame Hollywood and TV for my
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Well, guess what fellas? It’s called Life! You’re going to have to work hard, sometimes it may not be fun. Man up! Get a direction and a goal set up, and start moving towards it! You’re not going to get anywhere by sitting there complaining. Move forward! And those Facebook statuses? Ignore them. They just want attention and want to brag about how much their college year is restraining them from the freedom you have, although none of you realize

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