On an average, a young adult needs around 8 hours of sleep per day(Van Dongen, Maislin, Mullington, & Dinges, 2003). Yet majority of the students are sleep deprived, as shown by one study in which 70.6% of the college students reported sleeping less than 8 hours with mean total sleep time being 7.02 hours(Lund, Reider, Whiting, & Prichard, 2010). College students are prone to insufficient sleep along with poor sleep quality(Schlarb, Kulessa, & Gulewitsch, 2012). A research conducted among Lebanese university students(Kabrita, Hajjar-Muca, & Duffy, 2014) found out that more than half of the students scored in the …show more content…
One study was conducted among school-going children which found that more than three-fourth of the secondary school children of Karachi slept late, with homework and TV shows being more frequent reasons for later bedtimes, whereas parental influence was reported more by the early-sleepers(Nusrat, Khan, Hamid, Hussain, & Kadir, 2012). The sleep habits of first and final year medical students have also been evaluated(Bhatti et al., 2012). Yet another research studied the relation between sleep and academic performance in medical students(Waqas, Khan, Sharif, Khalid, & Ali, 2015). But, to the best of our knowledge, the present study is the first in Pakistan to assess sleep quality and its determinants among college