Youth: An Overlooked Age For Weight-Related Behavior Change

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Obesity can be defined as the state of being over one 's normal healthy weight. The National Institute of Health has defined obesity as being over the Body Mass Index of 30 (About NIH Obesity Research). The Center for Disease Control defines obesity as one 's weight being endangering to their health (Data and Statistics). However, the most terrifying fact about obesity is that one in three college students is considered to be overweight or obese (Sparling). In a peer reviewed popular Obesity journal, Susan Racette completed a study on weight changes from freshman through senior year of college. The results found that, weight increased significantly, but modestly throughout all four years and was highly variable between students (Racette). Racette quickly realized that, exercise patterns, and intake of fruits and vegetables while in school did not meet the recommended guidelines for nearly one-third students. Another study done in the peer reviewed article, “Emerging Adulthood and College-aged Youth: An Overlooked Age for Weight-related Behavior Change”, found that currently, 28.5% of 20–39-year olds are obese and 57.1% are overweight or obese (Nelson, Story & Larson). This means that more than half of emerging adults are considered to be overweight or obese.
Obesity has several physical
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The Livestrong article, Importance of Exercise and Healthy Eating, states, “a combination of working out and eating healthy foods can boost your energy level and help you feel more alert and aware, both mentally and physically. Healthy foods give your body the nutrients and vitamins that it needs to function at its best,” (Schuna). Because of an increase in energy, students will have greater concentration levels, a higher attendance rate, and overall higher graduation rates. Another well known fact of exercise and healthy eating habits is an improved self-esteem which can greatly benefit struggling college

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