I did as I was told. The nurse was listing many symptoms that she thought I might have, if I had a concussion. “I’m going to shine a light in your eyes, and all you need to do is look at me,” She said with a concerning voice. They said I appeared to be dazed, and I had late responses. That was the last thing I wanted to hear. She said if I had any nausea to come back. Of course I had nausea; I just didn’t want to go in the ambulance or to the hospital! The next day my alarm clock went off at five o’clock to get up for the horse show; I was …show more content…
Is anything broken? Do we need an ambulance?”
Mom asked, concerned, “Are you OK?” “I’m fine, I’m fine, don’t touch me. I’m going to get a drink. Come on, Sarah,” I snapped.
We went to go get a drink, sit down for a minute and took some deep breaths. That was the moment I knew I had to get back on and show him that I can’t walk away because of fear. I was not going to be driven by fear! I was worried about his hoof more than my head. I hopped back on, and was getting ready to go in. However, after I sat on him for a few minutes, and was getting situated, black spots and stars kept appearing. Even though I wouldn’t like it, I knew what the right thing to do was; I had to tell my coach. “Lauren, is it OK if I’m seeing black spots and stars?” I asked with my voice still a little shaky from crying. “No, that is not OK. That is not OK at all,” she said worried. “But I can still ride right? I’m sure I will be fine,” I reassured her as well as myself…not wanting to miss the chance of still getting second place. “You need to get off right now. Donna, Emily is seeing black spots and stars,” She told my …show more content…
Dad kept trying to take me home and I kept refusing in case I ever got the chance to jump or do my flat work again. I went to go hang out with Buzz. I just couldn’t go back out there. I later learned that I had a bad concussion, and it took 9 months to heal. But when I healed, I realized something. This was not the worst thing that had happened to me. It made me realize that when bad things happen, I get back up. I face my fears and take risks. To this day, I love facing my fears. It shows that I have courage to get back up and show who really the boss