Stem Cells Ethical

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Has anyone ever wondered about all the cells in their body, and what they can do, and how they work? Till and McCulloch were known as the first two people to know what stem cells are, and used them in a research paper in 1963(Who Really Discovered Stem Cells?). Dr. Florence Sabin is technically the first person the person they recently discovered because he had turned in an essay about stem cells in 1931(Who Really Discovered Stem Cell?). With all the research that is here, more people would benefit from stem cells now and will benefit even more in the near future. People are against stem cells because it is not the ethical way of life.
There are many unique properties about stem cells. Stem cells are “ an unspecialized cell that can produce
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Formed from differentiated cells” (Miller & Levine, p.295).Stem cells can become specialized cells such as: totipotent, pluripotent, and multipotent(Miller & Levine p. 294-295).”When a sperm and an egg cell combine to form an embryo(Stem Cell Classification)” This is totipotent. Totipotent means the cell that was just formed can be any type of human cell (Stem Cell Classification). Pluripotent is a tissue stem cell. During the 4th day of cell division, an outer layer called the placenta and inner layer forms tissues. Since there are two layers, it is a pluripotent stem cell(Stem Cell Classification). Multipotent stem cells are produced from pluripotent stem cells. These stem cells make up the blood, skin, and nerve cells(Stem Cell Classification). Stem cells can also replicate by themselves(What are the Unique Properties of all Stem Cells?). Adult stem cells carry busy telomerase, to keep the length of the …show more content…
The cell is [not] specialized yet and is found in either tissues or organs”(Murnaghan). Adult stem cells are found throughout the body in different organs(Murnaghan). These organs are some of the most common of where adult stem cells are located. the brain, bone marrow, peripheral blood, muscles, cornea, retina, liver, dental pulp of tooth and many more(Murnaghan). This is where researchers/doctors get their adult stem cells from(Murnaghan). “Embryonic stem cells are formed from embryos [they] are not made inside the woman's body. [Stem cells] are made in a laboratory dish… then given up for research” (What are Embryonic Stem Cells?). Embryonic stem cells are harder to find and get than adult stem cells(Miller & Levine p. 295). There are only a few places in which you can get them(Miller & Levine p. 295). One way is to get them from and embryo a couple days after the sperm and egg cells meet up(Miller & Levine p. 295). Another way is to get stem cells from the umbilical cord blood(Harvesting Stem Cells). Cord blood is the same as placental blood too(Harvesting Stem

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