Reflection On Social Development At Rivelon Elementary

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During my time at Rivelon Elementary I experienced all five of the developmental domains, often tines within the same hour. Social development is probably one of the main developmental domains I experienced while I was placed in the library at Rivelon Elementary. Most of these children were learning how to be fair to each other. For instance, while I was at the school one of my responsibilities was to run the school store. Children were rewarded every week “tiger bucks” for reaching reading goals, which means some children had more bucks than others, because they just naturally read more and were slightly more advanced. One child from the first grade had at least twelve tiger bucks, compared to her friend who only had two. After her friend …show more content…
Helping them develop the ability to sound out a word, helps them to be more independent as well. Children tend to say thing like “Him have my pencil” instead of “He has my pencil”. And correcting them when they are wrong, gives them room to understand how to say it correctly, and also teaches them how to use the proper tense. Too many parents often times talk to their children with a cute baby talk, when in fact all they are doing is hindering the child. You shouldn’t say “Him so toot” when you should be saying “She’s so cute” They grow up thinking it’s okay to talk like that when it not, their language skills is based off of what they hear, so you should always talk correctly around children so they grow to do the …show more content…
“Emotional development is the emergence of a child 's experience, expression, understanding, and regulation of emotions from birth through late adolescence” (Odle). A child’s emotional development is affected by several factors, their environment, their families, and the way they are responded to. Some children were mor4e emotional than others, and I couldn’t help but to believe it’s based on their environment. Children who are more likely express their emotions through whining or crying have families who are pretty present in their lives. Opposed to children who don’t show their emotions or express their anger through fighting, have parents who are absent or families who raise them vey

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