Simon Lord Of The Flies Quote Analysis

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Simon’s death is the end of innocence for the other boys, because they murder him and descend into savagery.According to William Golding, there is a savage in everybody, but others disagree, saying that savagery is created not ancestral. Although people may seem sturdy and sane, everybody can be savage if pushed far enough over the line. In the novel, Lord of the Flies by WIlliam Golding, the boys started off by adopting civil rules and creating civility amongst themselves. The rules la st for a considerably long amount of time, there are several examples (symbols) that helped keep the chaos under control, such as the conch;representing order, encouraging respect and patience. (golding 21) “ that's what the shell is called, I'll give the conch to the next person to speak.” The boys electing a leader shows both democracy and civilization, electing a chief shows that the boys are aware that they need order and organization. The fact that there was attempt at making huts shows they still had somewhat of a civilized mindset because shelter provide practical purpose (Golding 31) “ the …show more content…
SHowing that Jack does not value the fire or the fact that the leader told him to do something and he blew it off. As a result of Jack being the “good cop” leader, the rest of the boys follow Jacks example, thus the huts are not made. With the little luck that they will be found, the boys begin to doubt that they will ever be rescued. This leads to lack of reason to keep the fire going.(golding 53) I’ve been watching the sea. There hasn’t been a trace of a ship. Perhaps we’ll never be rescued”. Because of lack of faith, the boys stop guarding the fire, the fire goes out, they struggle to make the fire again, and piggy glasses are

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