Examples Of Social Inequality In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In Harper Lee’s book, “To Kill A Mockingbird”, one of the themes is social inequality and lack of empathy, as well as jumping to conclusions or judging based on stereotypes, generalizations, outright ignorance, and misconceptions. Even today, the theme is still the same and still present in today’s society.

The treatment of LGBT+ people by the media and everyday people, and even members of the community still needs fixing. People fail to educate themselves, fail to accept, and fail to respect LGBT+ people. In today’s society, even with all the leaps in civil rights we have made since the 1960’s, there is still racism, there is still bigotry, there is still ignorance. And that needs to change, especially cisgender and or heterosexual people’s
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For example, people often believe that non-binary people have to look like a certain way, bright hair, androgynous, and with a gender-neutral name. That isn’t true. Also, there is the idea that bisexual people have to be attracted to both genders equally, but from my own knowledge, people can only be 70% attracted to one gender and 30% to the other. There is also the stereotypes about gay people that often isn’t true either. And all of these stereotypes should go, just like the “dumb blonde” and “smart Asian” stereotypes. Since this will cause people pressure to fit into these stereotypes or try and defy them when they should really just be themselves.

Additionally, there is the lack of knowledge or representation of romantic orientations. Romantic orientations are different from sexualities, for example someone may be panromantic and can fall in love with any gender and asexual which means they may feel little to no sexual attraction towards people. And since not many people have heard of romantic orientations, that might cause a lot of conflict and the like within the person since they can’t figure out what they

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