When it came to improving my note taking skills, I knew I had to figure out a way that would work best for me, but I wasn't aware of all of the different styles, before we went over how to take notes in class I was transcribing everything, I was writing down every word my professors said. After a while, this got a little overwhelming. In RaiderReady, I learned that writing down everything isn't necessary, and it also isn't recommended either but writing key points and headings is, not only recommended, but a lot more effective. After that day in class, I started only writing what I needed, and it has proved to work a lot better than transcribing …show more content…
The Tunnel of Oppression taught me that I'm not the only one that faces some kind of challenge every day, it made me feel less alone, and I'm glad I went. I also learned that there is a counseling center on campus free to the students that I can go to whenever I needed. It not only has that, but it has a mind spa, and other quiet areas I can go to get rid of some of the stress I carry throughout the week. Stress can make people less productive and often at times it makes them counterproductive. I've gone a few times, and it was exactly what I didn't know I needed to be successful for the rest of the