As seen the world-round, when Europeans arrived, they brought diseases (even the common cold or flu could kill someone who’d never been exposed to such a thing). The travelers certainly brought to the natives a wealth of new and useful items, like horses, guns, and metal products, but even those who explored with good intentions could not stop the spread of germs and death along with the “advancements” they offered. And, being Europeans, the tribal/regional leadership (when it existed) did not suffice to meet their legal needs, so new methods of government were pushed on the natives in order for the exploring countries to “acquire” lands that the natives did not believe belonged to anyone to begin with. The arrival of such pushy new neighbors quickly led to drastic changes to the tribal balances that had been in place in much of this region. Initially, that may have only seemed annoying or inconvenient, but eventually, the European and American expansion into the area proved catastrophic for the indigenous people groups
As seen the world-round, when Europeans arrived, they brought diseases (even the common cold or flu could kill someone who’d never been exposed to such a thing). The travelers certainly brought to the natives a wealth of new and useful items, like horses, guns, and metal products, but even those who explored with good intentions could not stop the spread of germs and death along with the “advancements” they offered. And, being Europeans, the tribal/regional leadership (when it existed) did not suffice to meet their legal needs, so new methods of government were pushed on the natives in order for the exploring countries to “acquire” lands that the natives did not believe belonged to anyone to begin with. The arrival of such pushy new neighbors quickly led to drastic changes to the tribal balances that had been in place in much of this region. Initially, that may have only seemed annoying or inconvenient, but eventually, the European and American expansion into the area proved catastrophic for the indigenous people groups