Analysis Of The Absolutely True Diary Of A Part-Time Indian, By Harper Lee

Superior Essays
Over the course of our 10th grade English class we have went through many informational books. Within the selections of reading I believe the main topic is courage. Courage is show through the characters in the The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Holocaust Unit, and The Merchant of Venice. The people within the writing take many risks that involve a lot of courage. I will be showing you how I look at this theme and where I see it within the reading. “Just remember this,” my father said. “Those white people aren’t better than you.” (Alexie 55). This quote from the book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is when Arnold is on his way to his new school. He was disowned by his best friend, frowned …show more content…
Jem, Dill, and Scout had went to the Radley household to possibly catch a glimpse of the legendary man Boo Radley. They were chased out by Mr. Nathan Radley and who proceeded to shoot a gun at them! Within the scuffle Jem had lost his pants on the fence they crawled under. He needed to go back to get the pants. It takes courage to go to that house in the first place, but to go back to get his pants after he was shot at? That's …show more content…
We didn’t hear nothin’-then Jem yelled hello or something loud enough to wake the dead-” (Harper Lee 268) Scout goes over how Jem and her were walking and thinking they were yelling at Cecil Jacobs. They were both alone in the dark and on there way home.They hear someone following them and you would think they would be scared, but Jem is yelling out and not showing fear. If I was being followed and I didn't know who it was I definitely wouldn't yell to them! Jem definitely shows courage in this part of To Kill a Mockingbird. The children’s father Atticus Finch is working on a trail to save a black man from false allegations that he had raped a white woman. The town they live in doesn’t agree with Atticus defending the black man so many people lash out against the Finch family. Scout and Jem are constantly heckled by a neighbor of theirs Mrs. Dubose. Jem comes to the point where he demolishes her flower beds because he couldn't handle her terrible comments anymore. Scout even gets into a fight over kids making fun of her father. To Kill A Mockingbird is a very influential book and shows a great deal of

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