Persuasive Essay On Maui's Dolphins

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They are round black dolphins that are so small that they can fit into a bathtub. Maui’s dolphin, a subspecies of Hector’s dolphin, also known as Popoto, is the rarest marine species known in existence and one of the smallest known dolphins. There are less than 50 Maui’s dolphins in the world today, and this number is still dropping, they are almost extinct. Humans are the biotic factor of the decrease in their population.
Maui’s dolphins are carnivores, their preys are small fish and squids. The species of Maui's dolphins are severely threatened by humans. These dolphins prefer to stay near the coastline, they are not usually harmed by their predators. However, this makes them vulnerable to harm created by humans. These animals often get entangled and drowned in fishing gears, including set netting, trawling and drift netting that strangles them, and pull them down the ocean so then the dolphins can’t swim to the surface to breathe. Maui’s entanglements in fishing gears have increased, from an average one dolphin per year to 1.33
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My first solution is to ban the use of fishing gear near the coastline where Maui’s dolphin lives. This solution is used to solve the problem by removing the main threats to Maui’s dolphins. This will give time for the dolphins’ population to recover, so they can breed normally and doesn’t need one dolphin to die per year because of fishing gears. This is a good thing to do for the dolphins and will be effective in order to increase the dolphin’s population. Also, if fishers stop using fishing nets, there will be more small fish that will survive, and more food for Maui’s dolphins. This will cause the dolphins’ population to increase even more. However, the fishers in New Zealand is likely to disapprove this plan, this will be a huge inconvenience for them. This plan could also be costly, because the government may have to pay a lot to make up for the loss of the

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