Jesus traits were that he was a nice and calm man that all the jew want to meet, talk and get healed by him. Jesus physical traits were that he was very fit and muscular, with long dark brown hair and and brown eyes.
The song that stood out the most to me was when Jesus was questioning why he had to die and why he had to be the one. It stood out to be because he wasn't very sure about himself, and Jesus always seemed like a guy that was always sure of himself and confident in all thing God told him to do. Jesus in the bible was always sure of God's word but in the movie Jesus wasn't sure of the of God decision.
I really liked this movie because it showed Jesus in a different perspective. It showed Jesus and a more modern way not in the way everyone else sees him in the bible. Jesus also was a man in the story that the jews wanted to turn him in. Also in the story Jesus want to get away from the people that wanted to get healed, it was to much for