Honesty In The Film 'The Boy In Striped Pajamas'

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Look at a dime. Try to put the dime in front of your eyes and then try to see the world. Notice that a person won't notice anything else other than the small dime. Relationships are similar because in relationships it's crucial to look in the big picture not small because one mistake can end relationships very quickly. A healthy relationship usually includes loyalty, love and honesty. The characters of Bruno, Kevin and Romeo all learns about the importance of honesty in relationships by losing the loved ones through tough experiences. To start with, Bruno suffered the tragic death in the movie “The Boy In Striped Pajamas” because Bruno was blind loyal to his friend Shmuel. Bruno didn’t know the truth about what was going on in Germany at the time. Bruno’s family hided the truth from Bruno about the concentration camp. Bruno was loyal to his friendship by helping his friend without knowing the consequence which resulted in a tragic death.If Bruno’s family was honest with Bruno, he wouldn’t be dead. …show more content…
Kevin explained, “ Being alone, Mitc is walking down a crowded street and not seeing anyone you know or care about”(109). After Kevin’s ranch experiences Kevin now understands the value of relationships. Before Kevin thought he doesn't care about his parents, but now Kevin understands that he misses his family. If Kevin had a loyal and honest relationship with his family Kevin wouldn't have been in the situation. Therefore, Kevin learned the importance of honesty in relationships by being pushed away from the loved

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