Football-Personal Narrative

Superior Essays
It was the beginning of the football season everyone was excited but nervous at the same time. The team knew that in two hours after take off that the pressure will be on and the other team knew that too. The other team was more confident because they had home field advantage. The home team had more experience than the away team. The away team had two goals which were to have fun and hopefully win. Both team desperately wanted to win and this was because this game shows how ready you are. But late in the third quarter, the starting quarterback took a vicious shot to the ribs. This injury causes the away team to get their first lost. After a week of watching film and practicing the player was able to return and play. Once …show more content…
My coach then told me “go sit down and take a break,” me knowing I was going to be out the whole game I was angry and had me feeling like I let my team down. My coach the asked me “Why are you so mad?” Then I told him it was because I wanted to continue to play. He then looks at me and says “don't worry you are getting better.” After that game, I realized that going into football with no experience was bad but it was also good because then it let my coach know who he had back there at his quarterback spot. For a week I practiced and …show more content…
The record was so bad that people started to either quit or stopped coming to practice. Our fifth game was dedicated to a “brother” that was in the hospital after being involved in a car accident. After three good quarters of football, my team and I managed to keep the lead throughout the fourth quarter. Which gave us the first win. We did as we said and won the game. After that with, the team gained some confidence. An okay record of 2-5 had come home with us after two weeks. My team and I were preparing for our rival. This game was gonna be exciting because the opposing team was filled with people we knew and old friends. When it came to the game both teams played good, but we had too many mistakes. Which caused us to lose the game. After that game, we had two more. We lost one which leads us to our final game. Before this game, my coach came up and said “Gentlemen! Let's go out there have some fun and kick some butt.” Everyone got hyped up and got ready. Everyone throughout the game was working together and having fun. Before we knew it the game was over and we had

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