The Civil Rights Museum
On November 16, 2014, my father took me Civil Rights museum where we spent three hours learning about the civil rights movement. My father remembered the majority events that took place, including the …show more content…
Gary Orfield, a civil rights activists whose expertise has been called into testimony for civil rights suits in US courts. His opening statements called into question the numerous laws that have been passed by the United States government in regards to education reform. He feels it is a civil rights violation to make children take standernized tests, cut funding to troubled schools, and stop busing.
Dr. Orfield explains schools in black and latino communities are more segregated by socioeconomic status then those in middle-class white neighborhoods. He feels the set up of these schools do not aid in minority achievement and statistically many of these students go on to do nothing to further their education in life. Therefore they can not get higher paying jobs, and the cycle of poverty starts over within the communites.
He then went on to explain that society today pretends racism and segregation no longer exists today. During the Civil Rights movement many policies were made because the people at the time were “color conscious”, meaning they new laws and rules had to be made to erase inequalities amongst individuals, and they were conscious of the concept of race. This same concept was used in public schools, coercing a society that had discrimination deep rooted within them for generations to finally live and work …show more content…
Kimberly explains that she would not be here today without her friends and family to stand by as a support system and Alison agrees as a fellow student and friend it is okay to ask if someone is doing alright if you don’t see them being themselves. However, we as students are not trained to deal with mental health so it is best to have our companion see a consoler. She also sees a slow change in the mentality of this generation with their views on mental health which helps those who have a problem open up about and not hide it for fear of being judged. The students today will enter society and create the policies that deal with mental health and help erridicate the