Those opposed with young children working outside of home argue that children with two working parents often end up at daycares. They assert that since early childhood is a formative period in human development, mothers should devote the time to their children to ensure that their children have the best start possible at life, rather than leaving their kids at the daycare. However, daycare centers can be beneficial to the development of young children. At daycare, children have the opportunity to socialize with others their own age. In addition, many daycare centers have both material resources and trained teachers that are not necessarily available at home that can provide better early childhood education to the kids. Rather than being harmful, daycare centers are often beneficial to children and prepare them better for later stages of their lives. …show more content…
In today’s world, everything costs money, and raising a child is especially so. The income from the additional working parent allows the family to give their children better care and afford expenses they otherwise would not be able to. Moreover, employers also often provide benefits to working parents, such as childcare expense, in addition to normal fringe benefits like health and dental insurance that children can take advantage of. It is, therefore, to the benefit of the children that both of their parents