Camu And Balducci

Improved Essays
In this expert from the Albert Camus’s short story “The Guest” a conversation is occurring between Balducci and Daru. Balducci demands to Daru that he must hand over the prisoner to Tinguit by tomorrow. Daru is going against what Balducci is telling him and tells him that he will not do it. After Balducci finally realizes that Daru is not going to hand the Arab over, he decides that Daru must sign a paper for him. This creates some tension between Daru and Balducci.

Questions: Why does Balducci want Daur to sign a paper after he says that he will not turn in the prisoner Arab. Does the paper that must be signed by Daru have any significance, and if it does, what is exactly is written on it? Balducci tells Daru that singing the paper is a rule.

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