How Does Bullying Cause And Effect Essay

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The African Methodist Christian Recorder repeated a famous and well-known quote: “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never break me”.But in all reality that was not and is not the truth.Unfortunately, nine out of every 10 students have experienced bullying while in school or online. Bullies are purposely causing mental and or physical damages to their victims, which will affect them for the rest of their lives.Bullying has shown that it does cause a huge amount of pain for someone and there is no doubt that something has to change.By law, every child is to attend school until they are an adult, but there is no rule enforced within schools that states children are not to be bullied while attending school, but in reality enforcing a rule could potentially stop kids from being bullied. Children are extremely self-conscious which is why am I worried about those between the ages of six and thirteen, because even the slightest comment about the way someone looks or dresses could hurt someone deeply and you wouldn't even …show more content…
One thing that is not apart of life is having to wake up everyday super early five days a week getting tormented at the campus that is supposed to be protecting you. Schools heavily enforce not to bring weapons, drugs, or alcohol onto to campus for multiple reasons, but just as much as all those things can kill you, being bullied is just as much killing someone on the inside as well. Some people feel that bullying can be good for a child, according to an article by the daily mail, researchers have found that if a person fights back with a bully will be the most mature in life. That may be something that science has researched on, but from my own experience that is not the

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