Argumentative Essay: Is Public School Better For Kids?

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90% of Americans attend public school. The other 10% are missing out on a really good educational experience. I think that public school is better for kids because they get a better experience. Public school prepares kids for the real world and public school offer kids more opportunities to join activities. Also, sending children to public school helps their family with money.

For one thing, public school helps prepare kids for the real world. Public school helps kids interact with more diverse and different people. This prepares them for the real world because kids have to work in groups with their fellow classmates which will teach them how to deal with more and more different kind of people in the real world. Sending their kids to school helps them learn how to do this without their parents which helps them become more independent as well.

Another reason I think public school is better is because it offers more opportunities to do extra curricular activities like
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Another reason people would think homeschooling is better is because homeschooling families do not have to be one income families anymore. One parent or the other could do some other part time job or do an online business.

Therefore, I think public schools are much better because it can help children develop the necessary skills to navigate the real world, public school offers more opportunities to join sports, clubs or other extra-curricular activities at a cheaper and more efficient rate and sending a child to public school allows both parents to work jobs, making more income for the household. Public schools give a great educational and social experience to kids. An experience I think is worth arguing

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