of elimination lets me know that the mesh, bus, etc. could be use, but do not fit the needs of the company. Mesh could be used for the wireless access point that will be put in the student lobby but may not be logical for the entire network. Mesh could be a separate topology from the rest, but for simplistic purposed it was not picked. The bus physical topology does not allow for computers to stay up if there is a failure of a system, which each system depends on the one previous to it. To make matters simple a star fits the needs of the company and is easy to manage and trouble shoot. Also, the star topology has one central point, which is good for security…
Some of the pratical uses of cyber attacks are- fake wireless access points, cookie theft, and file name tricks. Fake wireless access enables hackers to mimic the free wifi of the establishment they are currently in. When users coonect the hacker can then sniff the users computer for unprotected data. With cookies theft hacks gather information about the users search sites, followed by log-in passwords. This in return allows them to replicate that particular user. Lastly file name tricks are now…
framework requirements described in Part 2, and the technology selections described in Part 3 to create the final Digital Edge Manufacturing network infrastructure proposal. Choosing the Cabling Used in the Network We considered infrastructure costs, speed, and reliability for cabling and adaptors. Our network employed hybrid type of network sine we use Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi and fiber optic as our media. Ethernet Technology The Ethernet technology was mostly used in the LAN because; 1. We used…
Part B: VoIP Computer-to-Computer Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is the process of taking analog signals, such as a human voice, and transmitting them over the Internet as digital data. Computer-to-computer VoIP is usually thought of as the simplest way to use VoIP, as it simply requires a computer with basic peripherals, an internet connection and can easily be used with popular software such as Skype. What devices are involved from transferring Alice’s voice to the sound that Bob…
The 802.11 is the standard protocol for wireless networks, which includes WEP (wired equivalent privacy). The standards committee for 802.11 left many of the difficult security issues such as key management and a robust authentication mechanism as open problems. The standards they have established have many flaws that have led to a number of practical attacks. With the increase number of wireless technology there is an increase in the range of places people can perform their business. As a…
The use of electronic devices during classes has been a discussed issue for long, because of problems regarding the safety of the wireless connection, the costs of using these kind of devices for learning institutions and the personal use each student does with them. Many researchers argue that technologies used during lectures are only damage for students, because they tend to pass their time on social networks or surfing in Internet rather than follow the lesson. According to Dr. Claire La…
communications. Give a brief overview of structure of an Ethernet frame. Ethernet and Wi-Fi are the most commonly used technologies to set up Local Area Networks today. It operates by using Carrier Sense Multiple Access Detection (CSMA/CD) to control media access. (Study CCNA, 2016) The structure of an Ethernet Frame is as follows: The Ethernet Frame Structure (Anon., 2013) Explanation: • Preamble: This field is responsible for harmonizing bits between the sending and receiving system. It…
BLUETOOTH TECHNOLOGY Introduction As with time, our need becomes our necessity. And it is said that, Necessity is father of all Invention. With time we need wireless technology that can replace cables such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth. Bluetooth is also cable replacement technology that can connect different computer devices with a short-range wireless radio connection. It has wide areas of applications. Some of it’s features is • Low Complex Architechture, • Power Consumption is low • Less Price •…
understand the limit of certain wireless protocols and how it works in different situations. The most recent Wi-Fi protocol that this report will focus on is, 802.11ac, also known to be the next generation for wireless networks to be equipped with new technologies that could provide faster speeds, capacity, and range. The predecessor, 802.11n, wireless protocol had lower limitation of its full potential to keep the ever growing need of today’s wireless demand. 802.11n lacked the support of the…
An area that is more secluded and secure will be more appropriate for Jacket-X to run their business. This will lead to all access points on the Jacket-X network must be safeguarded. Wireless connection will not be open and outsider will not have access to any Ethernet ports or wireless connection. Jacket-X should also be careful when employees following the bring your own device (BYOD) policy to work especially if employees are using the network. Employees can cause substantial damage to the…