Unrequited love

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    Resnik Unrequited Love

    • 462 Words
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    Unrequited love is like a bee sting. While you are enjoying your time, in the midst of nature, channeling through the flowers and plants, seeing the beauty circling around you. Although, nature doesn’t have a mutual connection with you. Nature contains bees which can "hurt" you. A bee sting is simple and petite yet it's nature's way of expressing how it feels about you which is how you may enjoy or love nature but it doesn't act the same. The delineation of nature not caring for you shows the representation on how love doesn't care (Grim013). In Resnik’s poem, Tortuous Love, you can see Hassan who is heartbroken and deceived for Amir for that he didn’t reciprocate the way he did or wanted. Unrequited love is the most painful kind of love for it crushes one's heart and aspect of someone due to someone not returning the love. Loving someone may be easy but the hardest thing is not knowing that they will love you as well or at all.…

    • 462 Words
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    Most of the time, we persist because hey, love conquers all and it’s not the strongest feeling in the world for nothing. However, it is harsh: it is more than capable of clouding both our logic and judgment. In love, persistence, perseverance and patience are necessities. Without them to keep you going, you won’t end up being in a fulfilling and lasting relationship. However, too much of these can have horrifying consequences: unrequited love is commonplace and it lingering for too long will…

    • 1185 Words
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    When there is love, there is must also be rejection and human beings have always had a hard time getting past it. This includes various characters in William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night. Characters in this play have shown a lack of rationality when faced with unrequited love. These characters are Antonio, Sir Andrew and Malvolio. Up first is Antonio, a sea captain. Firstly, Antonio can’t see that Sebastian doesn’t love him in the same way. After saving Sebastian from drowning to death,…

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    Orsino; who Viola fell in love with. Then when the twins find each other again they find themselves in a misunderstood situation. Romantic comedies are based on happiness with a little bit of tragedy added, but Twelfth Night is based on tragedy with some happiness added. Firstly, Shakespeare makes unrequited love a tragic sadness. Orsino is so depressed and desperate for the love of Olivia he will do anything to get over his love for her. This unrequited love differs from other romantic comedies…

    • 1032 Words
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    Brooks Unrequited Love

    • 371 Words
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    The most evident theme of this poem is unrequited love. Brooks uses simple diction to communicate the natural elements of love, "To touch things with a lighter hand." This quote expresses that one who experiences the joys of love is so lost in their love that they do not have a firm grasp of reality. "In yourself you stretch," those who encounter love become more of themselves. They get to know parts of themselves that were unknown before, they gain characteristics from their lover and add it…

    • 371 Words
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    Unrequited Love Analysis

    • 1949 Words
    • 8 Pages

    The theme of unrequited love and the passing of time become apparent in the play. As earlier mentioned the play starts off with all the characters loving someone but the person they love have another love interest and they show no commitment, it's like a vicious circle. Masha really loves Konstantin but he does not return her love so she believes that her love for him will eventually pass with time or if she waits long enough he come to his senses and love her back. But this never happens and by…

    • 1949 Words
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    of non-rewarded love. In Shakespeare's Taming of The Shrew, Petruchio and Katherine are at a stand off for love that could not be returned. As well as, Les Miserables, Eponine is madly in love with Marius but this could not be returned due to his undying affection for Cosette. In dramatic works, love and sex often carry little ties to one another creating an overtone of never rewarded infatuation. In the two poems "Sex without Love" by Sharon Olds and "Sestina" by Ciara Shuttleworth, carry the…

    • 542 Words
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    The poems convey the frustration of different types of one-way or unrequited love relationships through the skillful use of vocabulary and figurative language. The methods used by Gwendolyn Brooks and Alan Dugan both use various methods in order to convey objective meaning and emotional nuance. First we can look at Gwendolyn Brooks’ “To Be in Love” where she opens the poem with a couplet as she wrote, “To be in love / is to touch things with a lighter hand,” which simply describes the euphoric…

    • 786 Words
    • 4 Pages
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    Hopefully everyone has felt to some degree the emotion we describe as love. There are many different types of love in our human society. The first one we are most likely to experience is the love that occurs between children and parents. It is usually an unconditional love and has a purpose in human biology. There is also the unrequited love often felt for the first time by school children who learn that all love is not returned equally. Romantic love can be the most irrational causing sane…

    • 2125 Words
    • 9 Pages
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    Twelfth Night is a play which does not end happily for all its characters. Did this add to or take away from your enjoyment of the end of the play? In the concluding act of ‘Twelfth Night’, Act Five, there is a mix of emotions for all of the characters. During closing stages of the play, several of the characters are unhappy and confused, whilst others are happy and excited. During the play, one of the main themes is unrequited love. This always means that some would end up being unhappy…

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