Crime data, crimes committed in the United States and the data collected of those crimes, are collected by two major systems and sources: The Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, which is also known as the UCR/NIBRS Program, and the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) headed by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). The UCR/NIBRS Program This national system of uniform crime statistic (UCR) data collection was developed in 1930, and it the main source with the most quoted numbers purporting to describe crime in America. Its statistics are based, for the most part, on reports to police agencies by the victims of crime. During its first year of operation, 400 cities in 43 states made reports; and twenty…
1. The first data collection source is the Uniform Crime Reports. UCR was a voluntary program that began in the 1920’s by the international association of chiefs of police. It was turned to the FBI in 1930. UCR’s collect data and statistics about the persons arrested, offense known to the police, crime offenses cleared by the police and law enforcement personnel. Uniform Crime Reports were last collected in 2009. Followed by the UCR, are National Crime Victimization Surveys, formerly called…
Strughold, failed to be convicted of any war crimes. Lucette Lagnado addresses this in her article, “A Scientist’s Nazi-Era Past Haunts Prestigious Space Prize” saying, “In America, the U.S. Justice Department investigated him at several junctures but never found sufficient grounds for prosecution.” (Lagnado). Society does not have the ability to examine exactly what happened during the cold experiments; so it is in trusted to the court system to investigate and prosecute accordingly. The fact…
Bonaparte formed a group of agents consisting of people in the Department of Justice who would be held responsible for investigating federal crimes. After a year this group was named the Bureau of Investigation. In the times of World War I, the BOI built up suspicion of spies from…
The future has many aspects in store in term of white-collar crimes. The first characteristic of white-collar crime the future has in store is that if it continues to cost the United States billions of dollars each year, the U.S. justice department will develop new ideas and techniques to combat it. The second aspect the future also has is that Wall Street top executives will be held responsible for crimes committing within their corporation with or without their prior knowledge in the future…
As the DHS keeps on asserting itself as an effective department for hazard protection, it would need to overcome the problem of the alpha male notion to make it work effective. This follows the fact that each agency under the DHS wants to prove superior to the others and thus resulting into wolf packs. The alpha males might display instances of fighting once a rival wolf crosses their path since each agency wants to be a leader rather than a pack member. As a result, the inner fighting between…
Introduction One of the many ways by which the federal government of the United States offers transparency to taxpayers is the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Established in 1967, this Act was designed to “keep citizens in the know about their government.” (United States Department of Justice, “What is FOIA?”, n.d.) Sadly, many American citizens are unaware that they can request any information from a federal agency as long as such disclosure does not fall under the nine exempted…
looked at will be the impact on sports, sex discrimination, and education. The two sources that have been chosen for a detailed analysis will be The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, The Impact of Title IX by Barbara Winslow and The United States Department of Justice, Overview of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 in the Civil Rights Division. These two sources were selected because of their relevance to the investigation of Title IX. Overview of Title IX of the Education…
Loretta Lynch is the first African American woman Attorney General of United States. She was born May 21, 1959 in Greensboro to the parentage of Lorine and Lorenzo Lynch Sr. Her mother was a school librarian and her father was a Baptist pastor. Her father often shared stories of how her grandfather helped African Americans escape capture during the Jim Crow era. Lynch’s family was very much involved in the Civil Rights Movement. Hearing these stories and attending court procedures in Durham,…
This is known as a risk assessment; the evaluation of the possible consequences should disaster occur (Lindell, Perry & Prater). According to Masse, O’Neil & Rollins, risk assessment methodology has had at least three different stages of development in relation to homeland security (2007). In the fiscal year 2001, the Department of Justice was the primary agency responsible for assessing risk through its first stage. The Department of Justice vied that Risk was equal to Population of an area;…