In 1947 an usual event took place. It was said that a farmer found the debris of a UFO in his sheep pasture in Roswell, New Mexico, but other beliefs say that it was a weather balloon launched off by the U.S. Military. This is what commence of the Roswell UFO case. Looking over the starting of the case, and the different testimonies, this all leads up to the modern day thoughts and beliefs people had and still have to this day on aliens and UFO cases. It was the summer of 1947 when the debris of what said to be, a UFO was found by farmer Mac Brazel, in Roswell New Mexico. While he and his family were riding along one day, Brazel started to notice the unfamiliar objects. When they started to examine the items, they came to conclusion that this…
nationally. With the Montana UFO story, it was covered up by the media/government and only came to public awareness years later. This is the case with nearly all related incidents (since they are seen as threats to national security). The text includes an exert on the Malmstrom Air Force Base in which records of UFOs were noted. The Air Force did not believe the UFOs were helicopters despite what the media suggested; whatever it was, it remained unidentified, which is why it considered a…
We can use BT with the invading UFOs. What’s the chance that an abducting UFO is from Zargon? (What is the chance that a UFO is from Zargon given that it abducts?) P(Zargon|Abduct) = P(Abduct|Zargon) x P(Zargon) P(Abduct) P(Zargon|Abduct) = 3 /8 x 8 /20 = 24/160 = 1 /2 6 /20 6 /20 This is the answer we’ve already seen. iv. -AT LEAST ONEWe flip three coins. What is the chance that any (at least one) of them lands Heads? We could solve this problem the way we’ve already done: count the outcomes…
What is willy’s dream of an ideal life compared to Biff and Happy’s dream of an ideal life? The way Willy sees an ideal life is you must be well known and have an average wage income. Basically being somebody in the world. Not someone who sits around being lazy and not even being capable to handle a job. Willy was a salesman who traveled all over the U.S. to sell whatever product he had to sell. Biff and Happy however didn’t even have a job at the time. Biff and Happy were failures in Willy’s…
A private jet passenger filmed a mysterious diamond shaped UFO in the sky above Texas. On the below video, one can clearly see the similarities between the UFO recently captured by the airplane passenger and the Alien Craft detected in 1980 (aka The Cash-Landrum Incident). Alien Craft From the Cash-Landrum UFO Incident On December 29, 1980, a family of three was driving home in Texas as they stumbled upon a massive diamond-shaped object hovering above the trees. Not only the light coming from…
seeing some lights from the lighthouse.. then at that moment, all the power was cut out in the area, this was after i had noticed a huge, flash of light!.. it appeared to be that there was a big object about 300 to 500 feet off of the ground, this emitted an eerie white light that appeared to pulsate in its intensity. When i went to go get something to take a picture the UFO was gone!’ (Klass 93) UFOs are a fascinating yet real mystery in the modern world. Sighting have been being reported…
people who have alleged seeing a UFO usually lie about it for publicity and if it was an accident, they are almost all substance abusers, or have mental conditions. (Friedman 38) UFOs can be many other ordinary things. Physical Evidence of UFOs being illegitimate. “Roughly 90 to 95 percent of UFO sightings can be explained.” (Kean 12) The five to ten percent that classifies as one, is because it is in the air and no one has a clue to what it specifically is. That is what an unidentified flying…
UFO researchers thirdphaseofmoon brought an alien summoner to a Manhatten pier in order to draw the beings from space and water. Hundreds of people were around to witness the bizarre event. If this technique is true, it proves NASA lies about the truth in regards to aliens. PUBLIC BELIEVES NASA IS LYING OVER ALIEN UFO EXISTENCE While the alien summoner was getting to work, several people were interviewed on the Manhatten pier. When asked about their thoughts on NASA, they all agreed that the…
Sure enough, the participant was very quick and eager to say that he spotted another UFO. This experiment shows the flaw of having both a small number of subjects and purposive sampling of only believers. I do not think it would be ethical to hypnotize people on believing they have been abducted or not, therefor, I believe the best course of action will be to focus on design flaws of small amount of participants as well as purposive sampling. In order to over come these design flaws, I would…
If there's anything Floridians love, it's cigars, aliens and bath salts. One fortunate resident was able to get two-thirds of those the other day on film. One video shows a cigar-shaped UFO flying over the skies of Saint Petersburg. Scientists were not available to comment as they had their hands full with a weird new comet. Plus, no one believes a Florida man anyway. DID UFO CIGAR ESCAPE FROM CUBA? A Florida man in Saint Petersburg caught some interesting footage the other day. No, it was not…