and put into action because this will be good for the entire community. One council member mentioned how he like to see every different sport present in the room at the time and I thought that was very interesting for him to give credit to the kids for showing their support about the issue. The head councilman believes this new turf field will help advertise for the town and bring in more people because they can see the town taking new actions towards improvement. Personally, I think what he said was right, but does not really mean it will actually happen.…
own Government The town government is a seven member Council that holds the legislative power of municipality. The power of municipality allows the sevens members to discuss and enact possible solutions to community problems. Council meetings are held on the second and fourth Thursday of every month, usually at 7:00pm. While council meetings are not open to the public, there are several public meetings that are open to everyone; people are encouraged to share their opinions regarding the…
As the newly appointed superintendent of the school system, I would like to thank everyone for attending this town hall meeting, your warm welcomes and making me feel at home. Today’s topic will be, “The future of Technology in the County Schools.” As the newly appointed superintendent I know that my responsibilities for this school district will include hiring the best teachers, firing teachers that’s not fulfilling their obligations, calculating every school’s budget and bringing fresh new…
There is a palpable, hushed feature to the daily academic hum on College Hill Road. As far as I can recall from faculty meetings, student newspapers and random conversation, very little has been discussed or done about those who toil daily for us on campus. There are town hall meetings about important issues like Diversity, alcohol abuse, Title IX requirements and so on, but I don’t believe I have ever heard about a town hall meeting called to discuss the conditions of work of those who serve us…
The story begins on the night of the town council’s first meeting . The event is to be held at Sir William’s mansion at seven o’clock and everyone on the town council as well as outsiders are welcomed. As the host he gets to start the meeting off and be the center of attention. He also gets to address the problems that are on his mind, without any approval of any other officials. “Thank you all for coming tonight,” he announced in a deep, clear voice.”It is obvious that our first order of…
The town hall meeting was located in the village of Mundelein. The meeting started of with the roll call of the committee or trustees at the meeting. After the roll call, everyone at the meeting did the Pledge of Allegiance. The meeting was being held at the week of Thanksgiving and the mayor was giving thanks to the village and his board members. The mayor felt that the village benefited by the volunteer work that happens in the community and that it brings the community for unified and…
politics are ran differs among each population. This population could be an entire country or that of a small county in Wisconsin, I attended a Waukesha County Town Hall meeting. I learned a lot from this meeting, but what this meeting specifically taught me about American politics was that there is a severe lack of diversity in those who represent us and also those who participate in public forums. Along with the lack of diversity, there was an alarmingly large sense of ignorance in the council…
This was different in the Chesapeake region as they large expanses of fertile soil made it possible for the new settlements to be chosen in a more random fashion in comparison to the positioning of New England colonies. The role of education was taking seriously in New England, with towns with more than fifty families being required to provided elementary education, and Massachusettes’ Harvard College was established only six years after the colony was founded. The South was not as focused on…
During the City council meeting the citizens and council discussed issues within the community. Topics varied, some topics discussed were local business and others everyday life problems.First off people from Beckmans Mills came to thank the council for the restoration and funds raised by volunteers. As well as allowing the twenty fifth anniversary to be held on Saturday. Also a man from a new business in tow introduced himself and what the business was. Next a locally owned grocery store was…
meeting was held at the City Hall in Gladewater, Texas. The location of City Hall is 519 East Broadway. It was held on Thursday, October 20, 2016. As people gathered for the meeting I received signatures from board members including the mayor of Gladewater. To commence with was the call to order. Next, was the invocation and then the Pledge of Allegiance? I appreciated the fact that God was put before all else then our great nation. The first major happening was the citizen comments.…