the magnitude of what I was doing became more evident. As I approached the entrance of the forensic center with any case, I get knots in my stomach. The security was awaiting my arrival at the morgue, and they knew the case I was bringing in. As a member of the funeral service field, I have worked closely with security on many occasions. The guards are typically somewhat chipper even though we only meet for sad interactions, but when you bring in a child they have few words to say. I filled out the necessary paperwork to transfer the decedent to the morgue. Unfortunately, when we bring a decedent in for an autopsy (also called a post) we most account for all personal affects that come in with them, and confirm the identity (the toe tag must match the tag attached to the zipper of the body bag). This meant we had to open the bag, and this was the first time I had got a good look at the toddler. I was taken away, I couldn’t believe she was gone, and more so I couldn’t believe how bad she looked. We finished the paper work, I loaded my cot back in the van, and left with watery eyes. As I was leaving Fort Wayne, I still could not comprehend how something like this could happen. A beautiful young soul had been taken far too soon, and I was not sure how I could handle it. What seemed like a long drive to Fort Wayne, was even longer going home. I cried like I had never cried before, I cursed God, questioned my faith, and most of all questioned why I ever considered becoming a…
While the disorder can be passed down through family members, it sometimes is only seen in one family member due to the change in genes. Extra digits can form in many combinations. They are usually smaller and develop differently than the regular finger. As stated by Seattle Children’s Hospital, they range from the simplicity of just skin and soft tissue all the way to the complexity of skin and soft tissue with a bone and joint. These more formed digits may have all the components of a normal…
1. Medical Conditions/Diagnosis: Pa Dx include: Kidney failure, CRF, Diabetes, Edema, Anemia, and HTN. The reported effects includes: severe weakness, swelling and fluid retention in her extremities and in her abdomen. Pa receives ESRD - dialysis 3 days a week. Pa reports that she is no longer on the kidney transplant list due to risk factors associated with age. Pa has an hx of R great toe amputation in 5/5/2005 d/t osteomyelitis. Hx of L little toe amputation in October 2011 d/t…
Declawing Cats: It Should Be Illegal In 2015 New York lawmakers considered a bill to ban the practice of declawing cats. The proposed legislation caused many debates amongst veterinarians, animal behaviorists, and pet owners as to whether or not it should be illegal. Onychectomy or declawing is a procedure where the toe bones and attached claws of a cat are amputated through a surgical operation. Advocates of declawing cats argue that it is a necessary procedure to provide cats a better chance…
on, I would be protected from the fast and hard fist. My brace could have acted like a metal suit of armor if that problem ever came across. I also learned a fun and useful trick when I had it. True, it is probably not an extremely challenging trick and many people can do it, but still it was handy and fun to use. When I had the brace on, bending down to get something off the ground was doable, but it was very incommodious to do. So I tried to avoid it as much as I could. I discovered a trick…
healthy” (Engber). People sometimes cannibalize him/herself or someone else to get medical attention and help. A 38 year-old man who was schizophrenic was being treated for his schizophrenia. He became preoccupied with numbers and had delusions of outside influence on his actions. As these worsened. he started inhaling methamphetamines to help clear his mind. In this state, he cut off his left and right pinky toes. The first toe he cut off in a busy street with a single blow of a chisel. He…
My 8th-grade experience at High Meadows. Eighth grade was one of my most chaotic in a well-balanced way yet, the best year of my school life, I had issues and stress during 8th grade, but I also had ambition and desire to finish it. I decided to sign up for the field trip to High Meadows, some people were grumpy that it was the same exact field trip destination as last year. I did not mind of course because this is probably the last time I see that place. In short, every field trip or vacation…
During my time playing AAU basketball so many memories were made. They weren 't just your typical memories though, they were memories I’ll never forget. One of my favorite memories of AAU was during my last year. We went bowling at three different bowling alleys in one day. The first bowling alley was half bowling and half laser tag. My team and another Comets team decided to play laser tag against each other, and of course my team won. As we walked over to the bowling alley, the scent of deep…
Hammer toes is a condition in which one or more of your toes is permanently flexed. CAUSES This condition happens when a muscle imbalance or abnormal bone length makes your small toes buckle. This causes the toe joint to contract and the strong cord-like bands that attach muscles to the bones (tendons) in your toes to shorten. RISK FACTORS This condition is more likely to develop in people who: SYMPTOMS Common symptoms of this condition include: • A buildup of skin cells (corns).…
Brief History of the Company: Tag Heuer was founded in 1860 by Edouard Heuer in Switzerland. Since the beginning Tag Heuer has been recognized as one of the leading brands in the luxury watch industry. In 1999, Tag Heuer was acquired by LVMH Moett Hennessy. Tag Heuer competition include many brands however its direct competition is Omega, Rolex, and Longines. Why should Tag Heuer should expand: In order for a business to have its door open it needs to be profitable. The world has become…