The Elgin Marbles, also known as the Parthenon Marbles, are cultural artifacts from ancient Greece. A British ambassador named Elgin was concerned about the probable damage that could have occurred to many important pieces of artworks in the temple of Greece during the Turkish occupation. Apparently, permission and the authority was given to Elgin to take many pieces of stone. Thus, the pieces were transported to London, England to preserve them. The British since then have the pieces of artwork in a museum, not wanting to return them to where they came from. The Greek argues that the pieces of artwork were taken illegally during the country’s Turkish occupation. the British have to return them so they are in display in Athens. The controversy…
The Parthenon or “Elgin Marbles” controversy has had both Britain and Greece scramble over who has the most acceptable appeal regarding the statues ever since Lord Elgin removed the statues from the Parthenon. Yet, from a direct comparison between the two nations based upon the strength of arguments, Britain has the most valid claim to the Parthenon Marbles. Though the flaws and bias involved in the extrapolation of evidence mush be considered such as the lack of an original document provided by…
Each country has the right to preserve its history, that is sensible. From the possible human and logical point of view, the true owners of the great artwork no matter where they are now, are the people who built them. In addition, the natural framework of any work, enhances its majesty, if a piece is Greek it is because speak of Greek culture and the past of the nation, therefore must belong to it, especially thinking that there is a museum on the Acropolis where they will be perfectly…
There is one issue that all ancient Greek art historians and archeologist agree on. That issue is that the reason why the Parthenon frieze cannot be correctly solved is that there is no ancient literature or sources that appropriately archives the context of the frieze. Without contextual evidence, the intertextuality of the subject matter corresponding to the Parthenon frieze becomes ambiguous to the modern viewer. Modern academics can only conceptualize and speculate about what the images of…
The frieze, which used to be a vital component of the Parthenon's architecture, is known as the "Elgin Marbles" or the "Parthenon Marbles.” The marbles are the subject of a custody battle. Supporters of repatriation argue that the Parthenon Marbles are part of the fifth century Temple of Athena and thus can best be appreciated closer to their point of origin. Additionally, repatriation supporters assert that Greece has become experts at restoring other parts of the Parthenon whereas Britain's…
For the issue of the ownership of the Parthenon statues between the Greek and British perspective, I have to agree with a Greek position forward turning in the statues to its original proper place in the Parthenon . British Ambassador to Constantinople, Lord Thomas Elgin taken the Parthenon Marbles from Athens under Turkish occupation. Meaning, the Greek government had no say in the decision of Laura Thomas Elgin of removing the Parthenon Marbles from Athens. The reason why the British should…
The Parthenon marbles, also referred to as the Elgin marbles (After Lord Elgin, ambassador to the Ottoman court of the Sultan in Istanbul (1801-1812) include the collection of sculptures, inscriptions and architectural features acquired from the British government by Lord Elgin in 1816 and now exposed in the British museum in Duveen Gallery (Room 18). Under Elgin’s instructions, the marbles were removed from the Acropolis (the Parthenon, the Erechtheion, the Propylaia, and the Temple of Athena…
order to pursue poetry, to caring for his dying brother, and falling in love. When he caught tuberculosis in July of 1820 many of the sonnets he wrote contained his recognition of mortality. The sonnet “On Seeing the Elgin Marbles” tells the reader how John Keats struggles with mortality and that struggle brought this sonnet to express that accepting fate exceeds denying an inevitable death. John Keats’ sonnet begins with a statement about mortality. He states how he knows that his mortality…
The Elgin Marbles are part of one of the longest cultural rows in Europe. They are comprised of sculptures, inscriptions and architectural features. Lord Elgin who was ambassador to the Ottoman Empire (which Athens was a part of) acquired the Elgin Marbles from the Parthenon in Athens between 1801 and 1805. The Greeks have demanded that they be returned to their homeland and displayed in Athens. The Greek government claims that the Elgin marbles were taken illegally during the country's Turkish…
that these marbles are not Athens’s items, but that they belong to the world. It is argued that the Parthenon cannot be owned because of it's history, and many believe that the audience should span the whole globe. It has been said many times that the British Museum has no plans on returning any art work, but that won't stop the people of Athens from continuing their protest. The intentions of Lord Elgin could have been good…