Third Gender: An Enigma Third gender or third sex describes individuals who are considered to be neither man nor woman. This could be either because of any genetic abnormality, self-will or by social accord. Third gender is usually referred to mean ‘other’ gender as well. Some sociologists and anthropologists have described fourth, fifth and even some gender. Genetically, a human’s biological sex can be male, female or intersex. However, a person is identified by himself/herself or the society as belonging to the third gender based on the individual’s gender identity, sexual orientation and gender role in the society. To different cultures and individuals, third gender represents different phenomenon. It is considered as an intermediate state…
Even from the early 14th century, there have been intense gender roles. Since women give birth, they are typically the ones to stay and care for children. Some are even told they have not a place outside of caring for children and keeping house and home. Men have been seen as the stronger sex for many years, being the hunters and protectors. Most men without that form of courage and strength are often ridiculed for not being more masculine. No one will even speak of a third gender, because they…
Throughout the years, the feminist movement has ebbed and flowed. It typically flows with a specific goal in mind, such as women’s right to vote, or official legal inequalities. Third-wave feminism is ignored because many people are under the impression that first- and second-wave feminism accomplished all there was to accomplish, and that men and women now stand on equal footing across the board. Unfortunately, quite often the only people aware that we still lack inequality are those who are…
The world we live in today is known to be a male dominated society where increasing numbers of empowered women, groups and organizations are taking a stance for gender equality. In the past 100 years we have come a long way in terms of enforcing gender equality; where women are now allowed to vote, where women have access to education, and even an increase in the number of women with high status and power in governments. Despite the progress made in the past 100 years there are still several…
something created by the masses for the masses. The first wave identifies the role of the individual, while the second wave looks at political representation and the third wave concentrates on de-claiming women’s body. As Judith Butler states in ‘Gender Trouble’ that the notion of sex, sexuality and gender should be challenged by the 'subversive confusion and proliferation' of categories. The binary oppositions of the male and female should be destroyed. This paper further shows how the class…
Normative discourses of gender and sexuality are promoted to students through the process of socialization. The process of constructing lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) individuals as deviating from the heterosexual norm is referred to as heteronormativity. Furthermore, the implication that heterosexual orientations and relationships are normal and superior to those…
teams. In order to increase gender diversity in the applicant pool, we zoned in on how to make people who identify as LGBT*QIA feel more comfortable in the workplace. If these people felt that Arch Grants was an accepting and safe company to work with, they would be more likely to apply for a grant. The Human Rights Campaign Foundation found that 52% of employees at Fortune 500 companies received sexual orientation training and 42% of these employees received gender identity or expression…
History in all of its hundreds of thousands of years known to man tends to erase the stories of those not in control of their freedom. Whether it be the stories of slaves in the Americas, the ruthlessness of colonialism, there is always a group whose voice is not heard. In today’s society that group is the LGBTQIA+ group, specifically the T, or transgender for the purposes of this paper. Transgender or third gender communities have been a part of history in a variety of countries and cultures…
Sex is biological, gender is cultural. For some of the world there are two genders as well as two sexes, but gender ambiguity, transgendered, the third sex flies in the face of the notion that the former is true. “The terms third gender and third sex describe individuals who are categorized as neither man nor woman who recognize three or more genders. To different cultures or individuals, a third gender or six may represent an intermediate state between men and women, a state of being…
transgender/sexual should have the right to use the restroom of the gender they identify with or have an alternate choice. Many could argue that it’s risky and dangerous, but imagine you were in the same position as a trans person. Some people may even agree with introducing unisex/neutral facilities. The dangers of a person of the opposite sex using the restroom they choose are very obvious, but is every person out to harm others in the bathroom? Transgender people should not be kept from…