The Shawshank Redemption, widely considered one of the greatest movies of all time, is a film released in 1994 that was based on a short novella written by Stephen King in 1982. The screenplay, written and directed by Frank Darabont, is a period piece, set in the 1940’s, based on a friendship between two cons serving life sentences for murder, in Shawshank State Penitentiary. Andy Dufresne, played by actor Tim Robbins, is a banker who has been convicted of killing his unfaithful wife and her lover, the golf pro at the local country club. Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding, portrayed by actor Morgan Freeman, is also serving a life sentence and tells Andy, “I am the only guilty man in Shawshank”. The first scenes are set with Andy, a bourbon bottle between his legs, sitting in his car alone, watching the house of his wife’s lover. The scene, dark and eerie, let’s the viewer know without a doubt, Andy has come to kill them both. Tim Robbins’ portrayal of Andy, places anyone who has ever been hurt by love, in the car with him. Dejected and long past crying, he pulls a gun from the glove box, loads it, and stumbles out of the car, dropping the empty bourbon bottle along the way. Immediately the viewer is transferred to the courtroom where Andy, claiming his innocence, is convicted, sent to Shawshank and the…
The Shawshank redemption was released on September 23, 1994, it was directed by Frank Darabont. The Shawshank Redemption won several Academy Awards, such as best picture, best Actor in a leading role. It’s worth the time because of the story line, time frame, setting, and casting. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbins), a banker that was wrongly convicted for killing his wife and her lover. The story is set in 1949, and told through Ellis “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) we see through his point of view. He…
One individual can influence another individual positively or negatively because the actions of another individual can affect them in many different ways. In the film, The Shawshank Redemption directed by Frank Darabont, Andy’s character explores the concept of hope.(summarize andy’s situation) Like Andy, I have also experienced a situation where I had lost all hopes of playing basketball. However, I strived for what I wanted and did not lose hope. Both Andy’s character and my personal…
The Shawshank Redemption is the tale of a banker who is wrongly convicted of double murder and his struggle to survive in Shawshank prison. The director, Frank Darabont, utilises the effect of colour, symbolism and foreshadowing to position the viewer to feel compassion towards the oppressed inmates and hostility towards the Warden and guards. Darabont, raises issues such as: institutionalisation, hope, freedom, corruption and oppression and has created a plot consisting of rising action and…
Do individuals embrace or resist institutions? In the movie ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ the director Frank Darabont shows both views of Shawshank State institution. Two out of the three main Characters, Red and Brookes show a sense of embrace towards ‘Shawshank State Penitentiary’ prison. A poem that relates to the movie the Shawshank redemption is ‘School’ by Kumarmani Mahakul. This poem is a description of a few educational institutions, including School, University, Primary, Upper Primary and…
The Shawshank Redemption, directed by Frank Darabont, revolves the setting in Shawshank prison and explores the daily life of prisoners. Andy Dufresne (Tim Robbin) and Ellis Boyd “Red” Redding (Morgan Freeman) are two main prisoners that have a strong friendship. They works together, hopefully, to redeem their freedom. These two important characters, including Brooks Diamond (James Whitmore) contribute a huge illustration that connects to the major theme of the film. The director utilizes the…
contemplated throughout society in varying forms. Thousands of poems, songs, films and books have been published across the globe exploring this notion. Two prominent texts that deeply explore the ocean that is the concept of justice are Frank Darabont’s film interpretation of Stephen King’s novella “Rita Hemsworth and The Shawshank Redemption” and the poem “The Ballad of Reading Gaol” by Oscar Wilde. They investigate the injustices and justices within the judicial system and life. Written from…
talk about a movie named “The Shawshank Redemption”. The movie is told about the story of Andy Dufresne, a banker who is sent to Shawshank State Penitentiary because of the murder of his murder of his wife. Andy claims that he was innocent. I find that the movie is similar to the situation that I have facing in the question. In the movie, Andy is forced by Samuel Norton who is the warden of the prison to launder the dirty money that Norton get from the “Valuable Community Service” program.…
Hope can take time. Hope can’t always make things happen instantly, it may take hours, days and even years to get that thing we all hoped for. In the movie Andy, Red, and Brooks were sentenced to life in prison due to the crimes they committed. Andy had hope after a piece of the wall broke off in his cell which gave him something to stride towards, he was admitted in the 1940s and broke out of prison in 1966, he spent 20 years making a tunnel through the wall using his rock hammer then he broke…
Credit Shawshank Redemption When Andy Dufresne takes his first few steps off of the dusty prison bus and onto the unfamiliar grounds of Shawshank Prison, there are lines of men awaiting his arrival. Many of the already convicted were there for personal entertainment ; to properly welcome the “fresh meat” you could say. Although, amongst the hundreds of convicts, one group happened to stand out. An assembly of four men were standing upright and observing the new inmates to find the weakest one…