Tailing ponds are one of the greatest environmental challenges that the Oil Sands Industries of Alberta and other locations in the world face today. Tailing Ponds can be described as large “dump holes” in which the industry exposes of all the waste materials obtained from the refinement of Bitumen - a raw material which can be processed into oil. Tailing Ponds include many different types of waste materials such as water, fine silts, residual bitumen, salts and soluble organic compounds. They also include solvents that are added to the oil sands during the separation process. After the oil has been extracted from the sand the residue is dumped into the tailings and quickly settles to the very bottom. A layer on top of the hardened sand is a mixture of clay and tailing called fine tailing. This mixture of clay and water is highly unstable in the environment as it takes many years to settle and solidify, even after many years the texture of this mixture may be that of yogurt. it may take as long as or even more than 30 years for a tailing pond to fully be reclaimed. The main reason why I chose this ecological issue of tailing ponds is because as a Canadian citizen who lives in Alberta, Fort McMurray - a city which has often been labeled the least environmentally…
Tailing Ponds Claire van der Plas is an interesting artist, because she uses different methods than traditional artists, which provide a series of pieces that have intriguing content. For the last week a collection of her sabbatical work, has hung in the Cloyde-Snook gallery in the Art Department of the Adams State University Campus in Alamosa Colorado. There are several pieces in this sabbatical collection that are paintings, of which is a painting called Tailing Pond. Tailing Pond is an…
Some of the conditions that have been placed on Syncrude in order to have a tailings pond include submitting a biannual update on research for tailings. This research will include forest ecosystem research and wetland ecosystem research (Approval). There is also a stipulation about having a waterfowl protection plan, this plan must include “techniques and procedures for a comprehensive bird deterrent program for all tailings, composite tailings and waste ponds which minimizes avian mortality…
scar they leave on the location of the mining. Tailing ponds are large “dump holes” in which the industry exposes of all the waste materials obtained from the refinement of Bitumen. These huge holes are made up of natural materials including water, fine silts, residual bitumen, salts and soluble organic compounds. They also include solvents that are added to the oil sands during the separation process. After the oil has been extracted from the sand the residue is dumped into the tailings and…
Campaign Propaganda: Which Strategies Would You Use? Advertising is a form of of propaganda because it is designed to shape your beliefs and your actions. Society’s goal for political campaigns is that they provide the information that the people will need in order to vote for the best candidate. The best strategies to use that would help your campaign would be plain folks, stacking the deck, and guilt by association or coat-tailing. The number one strategy to use for your campaign…
As shown before Environment Canada was charging Syncrude with offences against the Migratory Birds Convention Act and Alberta Environment was charging Syncrude with offences against the Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (Fluker, 2011). The judge that proceeded over trial was Judge Tjosvold from St. Albert (R. v. Syncrude Canada Ltd.). Syncrude’s defense against both charges laid against them is the following “It has established that it used due diligence to avoid the contamination of…
inflammatory diseases. In literature, many works have been done in separation and quantification of aspirin and its derivative (salicylic acid) in combinations with drugs like caffeine in tablets using HPLC techniques. However, this work aims at confirming the presence and quantification of aspirin in an unknown sample (tablet) using HPLC separation technique. This was achieved by the preparation of spiked solutions of standard crystalline aspirin sample which was used as a reference point in…
a. What is your evaluation of Freeport’s Indonesia environmental management? The company has several environmental issues, the most important ones are: Mount Jaya glaciers: There is evidence that proves that the firm’s activities do not affect glaciers, the company did well in not applying any particular measure. Overburden storage: The firm made a good decision by developing short, medium and long-term plans and by designing a stable stockpile to prevent problems that its activities may…
Acid Mine Drainage Prevention 1. Surface water dispersion The purpose of this action is minimizing water in contact with the potential acid material. The method is easy to apply but need to be careful in diverting the water. 2. Soil compaction The purpose of this step is to reduce the soil permeability. It means reducing the hydraulic conductivity and diffusion of oxygen. This action will reduce the water penetrate the tailing and sulfide metal oxidation. 3. Dry covers The purpose of this…
and 11 AAC 97, as amended, and surface occupancy under 43 CFR 3715. The combined acres of existing and proposed disturbance on BLM administered land and State of Alaska land will exceed the regulatory threshold of five acres, thereby requiring the submittal of this Plan. The format for this Plan is consistent with the requirements of 43 CFR 3809.400 and 11 AAC 97.100. The currently defined ore body contains approximately 330,000 tonnes (363,762 tons) of high-grade material within a skarn…