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    Have you ever seen someone dive off the diving board? Do you enjoy swimming? Well now I’m going to give you a little more information on swimming and what the physics of it is. You will see swimming in a whole different way. Gravity is always affecting you while swimming. Even you don’t think it is. Force of attraction by which terrestrial bodies fall toward the center of the earth. Newton’s first law of motion has a part to do with swimming. An object in motion stays in motion until another outside force takes place. Static Force & Dynamic Force is also motions that take place in swimming. (physics of swimming, Nov 12, 20104) Static Force takes place when you push off the wall or the bottom of the pool the drag you feel when movement starts.…

    • 1145 Words
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  • Improved Essays

    Swimming Monologue

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    • 3 Pages

    In 2008, my mom took me to my older sister Hannah’s swim tryout. I was standing around on the deck, waiting for her to finish, when a man named Joe Cabel walked up to me and told me that I should try out, because my lengthy legs would make me fast. Cabel has been known to stretch the truth a little bit, and 8 1/2 years later, I’m not much faster. But I’ve definitely learned a lot of things, mostly from my high school seasons. Freshman year, I learned to follow and respect the seniors, and as I…

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  • Improved Essays

    Persuasive Essay Swimming

    • 549 Words
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    to swim. So why don't we make it to where there are more sports for them to play while they are in the swimming pool? We could do surfing in the pool, basketball, football. The schools that have swimming as a sport should make it to where they can be able to play sports while swimming because they can get more people to join, get fit, and that the kids may get too competitive. Altho it would probably be hard to do football in the pool, we could get way more kids to start swimming. When the…

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    Swimming Research Paper

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    ] I start taking swimming class, when I was freshmen year. I have never planned to take swimming my whole life, but things changed when I moved to a new country. Everything about me was changed; my responsibilities, my interest, and my characteristic. I became another me but I like those changes that I had made. Adapting into a new country was more difficult for me than as it was for my parents, since they do not have to deal with any social contact. But I have to go to…

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    Narrative About Swimming

    • 950 Words
    • 4 Pages

    replied with confidence. I thought she was probably right; all of the sports that I have ever been apart of have never scared me away within the first week, but this is swim and I knew nothing about swimming. We sat in the circle with all of the experienced swimmers and other newbies while our new coaches sat in the center. Mr. Page and Mrs. Marion looked at us and smiled as our information papers and swim caps were handed to us. “How’s it going? Are you ready to swim?” Mr. Page asked us with…

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  • Superior Essays

    Elite Swimming Careers

    • 773 Words
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    I was watching the Santa Clara Arena Swim Series over the past weekend and I was reflecting on elite swimming careers. I watched the ageless Anthony Ervin and Natalie Coughlin race and compete at a high-level into their mid-thirties. Twenty years ago, no one was competing at this age! I kept asking myself, how are these older athletes having this historic swimming career? After much thought I realized, health is the answer! Health is a broad term, but holistically all the elements of health…

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  • Great Essays

    Satire About Swimming

    • 1567 Words
    • 6 Pages

    Swimming People advanced from ocean animals however—taking a gander at our bodies—you 'd never know it. We couldn 't be less appropriate to traveling through water in the event that we attempted. We don 't coast too well, can 't relax for long underneath the surface, and quickly tire as we whip through the waves attempting to move ourselves along; in a straight race with a dolphin or a shark, you 'll generally come last! In any case, there 's one major favorable position we people have: we think…

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  • Improved Essays

    How to Get a Good Workout in the Pool Working out in the pool might not seem like the most effective way to slim down and shape up, but a pool-based workout burns a surprising number of calories, boosts your metabolism, works every muscle in your body, and improves your over-all fitness level. Working out in the swimming pool is so effective because water provides natural resistance – as it is almost 800 times denser than air – so each movement that you make while submerged in water works your…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Swimming is a professional sport that requires some high qualifications in fitness, commitment to training hours, etc. Many people who seek this sport are starting as amateurs and then moving to be professionals. Swimming includes many styles, such as backstroke, butterfly, etc. In this article, you will view a list of the top 10 greatest swimmers. 10- Mark Spitz Mark is deemed one of the greatest swimmers of all times. He gained 11 Olympic medals, so he is the fourth highest medalist in the…

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    Improved Essays
  • Improved Essays

    Can you believe that some people think swimming isn’t a sport? Awesomely swimming has been around for centuries, but most people like it for entertainment. Luckily, people learn how to swim because it’s an essential skill that should be, but unfortunately almost required in life and parents want them to be safe, but other people learn for different reasons. Some learn it because you can actively perform it your entire life. Amazingly others pursue this sport because it’s the sport they dream…

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